Black Metal.

I really enjoy Fas, was suprised when i found it at a best buy wear i live.

Finnally checked out EDM, had heard of them back when i was first getting into black metal and had yet to give them a listen. Pretty good stuff, vocals kind of ruin it for some songs (Kitigai - great music, vocals sound like a cat being strangled) but id say i like what ive heard so far.
For some reason i was under the impression that it would sound more like Leviathan or something.

Manierisme are a pretty interesting Japanese black metal band.

Oh, and I love Fas. If you think it all sounds the same after 10 listens, you aren't listening.
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Then just don't listen to them if you don't like them, isn't that simple... damn we're repeating ourselve all the time.
They're just two australians guys doing music in their free time... they're not popstar or anything, they don't annoy people with publicity on everywhere on the internet, tv or anything.

Austria is a different country to Australia. They're on opposite sides of the globe.

You're as bad as George Dubya.
I missed this a few pages ago:
2. Dont associate avant-garde with a particular sound now.

I'm not saying anything like that, since there isn't a particular sound for avant-garde. It's not like I said anything that even remotely implied that I was under that impression. However, there aren't any traits that make them avant-garde, hence my previous statement that said this exact thing quite clearly, even though you somehow seem to have misunderstood it anyway. :rolleyes:
I didn't know Arkha Sva was from Japan. Hm!

Yeah, but I think they relocated to France at some point. There was no mention of it now on MA, though, so maybe it was just some internet rumour. Those happen, you know.

Anyways, yeah, the vocals are... peculiar, but never over-utilized, so I can easily just throw some Arkha Sva in whenever I'm that oh-so-special black metal mood, no problem.
Never was much for black metal until I heard Ulver's Bergtatt. I really like the other-worldly feeling and the fantasy-themed old-world lyrics. What else is there in that vein?

Manierisme are a pretty interesting Japanese black metal band.

Oh, and I love Fas. If you think it all sounds the same after 10 listens, you aren't listening.

Yeah, Manierisme fucking rules. Glad to see someone with similar taste in that area.

I just don't dig Fas... a whole lot. I like it though.

Ive wanted to give Horna a listen for quite a while, what would you recommend?

Kohti Yhdeksän Nousua and Haudankylmyyden Mailla are my favorites but Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne and the endless amount of splits are worth checking out. I have not heard the new one yet but I will soon.