Black Metal.

here's something i want to opinions on: is Fas... (the last Deathspell Omega LP) actually worth listening to? i loved SMRC and Kenose, but I'm worried Fas is too much of a departure from the style those two somewhat share. from what i've heard from friends, it's not very rewarding or even all that...musically coherent.

so it the anti-music clusterfuck i fear or it the complex work of art that many on MA claim?
I think that your best bet is to just listen to the album now while you're not sure what to expect, and make your own choice about what it is. I don't know what you'll think of it, since it definitely divided listeners.

Personally, I liked it a lot and consider it to be a great album.
...I don't like being let down! :zombie:

(In all honesty, I'm sure I'll eventually listen to it either way, I just wanted to hear some opinions for/against it).
...I don't like being let down! :zombie:

(In all honesty, I'm sure I'll eventually listen to it either way, I just wanted to hear some opinions for/against it).

I think that it's a very unique and different album that has the potential to put off some listeners, but that the people who like it will be rewarded by a great and very intense listening experience.
here's something i want to opinions on: is Fas... (the last Deathspell Omega LP) actually worth listening to? i loved SMRC and Kenose, but I'm worried Fas is too much of a departure from the style those two somewhat share. from what i've heard from friends, it's not very rewarding or even all that...musically coherent.

so it the anti-music clusterfuck i fear or it the complex work of art that many on MA claim?
Well, it's pretty much some of both. I liked it, but I found it less enjoyable than anything they've done other than Infernal Battles. Both Kenose and the one-off songs (Mass Grave Aesthetics and Diabolus Absconditus) are better composed, and really just a lot more enjoyable to listen to, which - regardless of whatever extra artistic merit might be in it - is not something I can say about Fas...

I thought Kenose was over the top in a way that was a lot of fun, and Fas was over the top in a rather pompous way. It's a different kind of listen. Still recommended.
I guess I should give Deathspell Omega another chance. Last time I tried to listen to them I thought the music was way too inaccesible for me, too many layers.
I like Marduk's World Funeral album better than Romans 5:12, I'll probably get Panzer Division Marduk as my next Marduk, the Panzer Division Marduk shirt looks really well by the way.
I know a lot of Fas by heart, even though it's crazy. Amazing album, really.

Every song sounds the same to me after hearing it 10-15 times. I dig it, but not a ton. I like Kenose the most.

I like Marduk's World Funeral album better than Romans 5:12, I'll probably get Panzer Division Marduk as my next Marduk, the Panzer Division Marduk shirt looks really well by the way.

The artwork is fucking tacky as shit, it will look even worse on a shirt. But their latest promos look ace.
I like Marduk's World Funeral album better than Romans 5:12, I'll probably get Panzer Division Marduk as my next Marduk, the Panzer Division Marduk shirt looks really well by the way.

Panzer is decent. Opus Nocturne is my personal fav. World Funeral was actually a good album imo. Lots of death metal influence on that one.
I've gotten into most of the major bands from all those scenes (not Germany, though), but I'm ready to specialize. I thought I had promise in the French industrial black metal scene but beyond Blacklodge and Neo Inferno 262, there isn't as much promise as I'd hoped. Well, o_O.o. is ace.

I think it is cool though if you want to specialize in Finland's scene. Honestly, you would dig a lot of the French bands beyond the industrial sound. You should buy the first Peste Noire record.

Also, the Japanese and Russian scenes are also insanely great.

Just my two cents though.
China has Be Persecuted, Original Sin and some guy there runs Funeral Moonlight Prods, releasing stuff such as Blutklinge. Good things happening there.
I personally love the finnish scene. Catamenia, Behexen, Horna, Sargeist, ...And Oceans, Azaghal, Moonsorrow. All good stuff. And those are just the better known bands.