Black Metal.

They do certainly 'break away' from the traditional BM sound, even if they are not experimenting by doing so. They more or less use that off-usual element as 'the primary'.

Yes, but what they do is compose soundtrack pieces and then overlay black metal parts onto them, which while unusual, isn't experimental and definitely isn't avant-garde.
By the way, how come so many people dislike them? I didn't realize how many faggots posted here.
Yes, but what they do is compose soundtrack pieces and then overlay black metal parts onto them, which while unusual, isn't experimental(1) and definitely isn't avant-garde(2).
1. That's what I said.
2. Dont associate avant-garde with a particular sound now. :p

I didn't know they composed music using that particular algorithm. Quite strange if its true.
I've not heard much suicidal BM tbh, other than the odd track or two that has been on the Terrorizer cover CDs.

Suicidal black metal is pretty hit or miss for me. I don't particularly care for the stuff that comes from the US such as Leviathan and Xasthur (barring their first album which is pretty good).

However, I do enjoy some of the European stuff such as Forgotten Tomb, Silencer, Abyssic Hate (Australian but whatever), Totalselfhatred, etc.
*has never really bothered listening to Summoning*

I guess this shall have to change.

*pets rapidshare account like the wee little bunny I know it to truly be*
People who waste their time bitching about minor aesthetic issues in the face of such stunningly beautiful compositions are really just pissing on their own feet.

Let me sort of take back what I said before, because I implied that there's some clean way to distinguish between features of music that are an important part of the musical language and features that are "merely aesthetic". Sometimes apparently insignificant aesthetic features are part of the musical language and sometimes they detract from the experience of a piece. I can overlook, for instance, a drummer fucking up a couple of times or so-called bad production because sometimes that's appropriate to the sort of music. But Summoning for the most part is not epic or beautiful to these ears (though I do really appreciate some of their stuff, and I get why people like them). It's just that "minor aesthetic issues" tend to detract from their music being what people hype it up to be.

At any rate, it's not even something that's within my control. I literally cannot enjoy Summoning, no matter what I tell myself or what anybody tells me. I've tried countless times to get into Dol Guldur and a couple of their other releases, because everybody tells me how amazing they are. But I can't get past my aesthetic revulsion. Strangely enough, this has not been the case with other bands. For instance, years ago I used to think stuff like Darkthrone sounded like crap, but one day I put on Transilvanian Hunger and it blew me away; my perspective and aesthetic preferences had completely changed.