Black Metal.

lmfao at Alter.

Fanisk rules...anyone who hasn't heard them or Eldrig (one half of Fanisk's own project) is no friend of mine...and you want to be friends with me right?
I've just discovered Summoning.

What an awesome band. I really like. And yes i know it's Atmospheric Black Metal, and not "pure" BM but it still kicks ass. And i don't really like BM in general.
I've just discovered Summoning.

What an awesome band. I really like. And yes i know it's Atmospheric Black Metal, and not "pure" BM but it still kicks ass. And i don't really like BM in general.

I've been into them for a while but still have only managed to get my hands on Let Mortal Heroes sing Your Fame. I asked for Minas Morgul for Christmas :cool:
Summoning is brilliant. Its probably the only non avant-garde avant-garde black band.

Also, I got my hands on some more stuff by Darkestrah yesterday. I only posessed 'Epos' before, and it was really just the tip of the iceberg. Awesome stuff.
so I'm loving the first three tracks on A Forest of Stars's The Corpse of Rebirth...not too wild about the last two, though...maybe some more listens will change that
Also, I must say Unholy Trinity's Omnimalevolence is a solid slab of black metal fury...USBM sung in Polish haha whatever. it's pretty awesome stuff