Black Metal.

i've listened to it twice and well.. it's not really that enjoyable after the first listen. I can see why hipster metallers would like this though.
Yeah I can see that too. I'm not a hipster metaller but I am a big fan of depressive black metal so I tend to like stuff like this.

Didnt mean to make it seem like i was calling you that. My friend is a huge hipster metaller, listens to bands like Alcest, Wolves in the throne room, xasthur and nothing else.

I also like some depressive black metal. I'll take Anti over this crap any day.
Didnt mean to make it seem like i was calling you that. My friend is a huge hipster metaller, listens to bands like Alcest, Wolves in the throne room, xasthur and nothing else.

I also like some depressive black metal. I'll take Anti over this crap any day.
I know, I just was explaining why I like it. Anti is better though. The Insignificance of Life is great.
ooops yeah, my bad...fucking typo.

Anyways. I'm not into the whole Black Metal thing, but this band (I think it's just one guy but whatever) caught my attention.
Yeah, Eldrig is great. Infact, their newest album is in my top ten for best albums to come out this year. Check out Fanisk, it's by the same guy. Fanisk has a new album coming out soon, cant wait to hear it. Anyway, mysterion is excellent, much more developed than his earlier works.
I know Gris has been discussed before, but I'm listening to "Il etait" again...Seriously one of the most emotional albums I've ever heard. It's such raw emotion that I don't need to know what he's saying. You feel it. Beautiful fucking album.
Yeah, Eldrig is great. Infact, their newest album is in my top ten for best albums to come out this year. Check out Fanisk, it's by the same guy. Fanisk has a new album coming out soon, cant wait to hear it. Anyway, mysterion is excellent, much more developed than his earlier works.

Yeah, that's the only album I haven't checked out so far from them, getting to it soon though. What I heard from it though sounded fucking awesome.
Listening to the new Lord Belial - The Black Curse.

Sounds good, production is very clean. Perhaps too clean for a Black Metal band. Very good guitar work. Some of the songs even have classy guitar solos (Inexorable Retribution, for example). I don't see them mentioned here often. Any thoughts?
Listening to the new Lord Belial - The Black Curse.

Sounds good, production is very clean. Perhaps too clean for a Black Metal band. Very good guitar work. Some of the songs even have classy guitar solos (Inexorable Retribution, for example). I don't see them mentioned here often. Any thoughts?

Really? I was very disappointed with the album. I don't mean to criticize them or anything, but I don't understand all the positive reviews it's getting - I think it's very mediocre.

I did download the album when it leaked, so maybe what I had listened to was a promo - but I don't think the production values are as clean as on Nocturnal Beast, but I actually enjoyed that album.
i think the Black Curse is one of Lord Belial's best albums. They are actually moving away from black metal and now they are just kick ass powerful metal.Give it another chance