Black Metal.

Cool, I couldn't find anything off Herbstleyd to listen to except for the title track. Black Metal ist Krieg has some good songs in "Amarok III" and "erik, May You Rape The Angels"
Black Metal ist Krieg isn't really bad, but it completely rips off other bands. I forget the specific songs, but a lot of the time you can even hear what particular song he is ripping off. For instance, there is an Immortal song that sounds just like Eric May You Rape the Angels. If you are to get a Nargaroth album, get Herbstleyd.
Seven Tears Flowing to the River by Nargaroth on Black Metal Ist Krieg is also good. But yes, i've found Herbstleyd on Ebay for about 20 $. anywhere else an American could get it cheaper?
you may just want to skip the whole nargaroth thing. i have a couple cds and i really never listen to them. there's much better stuff out there
Nargaroth is pretty pointless. I'd say that even his best albums have been done better by other people.
Beherit is active again WTF?

Beherit! 27.11.2008

Tästä ei homma old-schoolimmaksi muutu! Albumi etenee vauhdilla, äänittäjän pall(e)illa istuskelee Tonmi Lillman.

A rough trans:

Cant get more old-school from here. The album is soon ready, it's recorded by Tonmi Lillman.

And the status is changed to active on MA.. Hmmm........
forget naragaroth.

Errances Onirique is easily Belenos' best album. The 2CD release of Triste Pensee and Notre Amour Eternal is also very good.
It's decent, nothing amazing based on the one time I listened to it.

In other news, KNEEL BEFORE THE MASTER'S THRONE RECORDS will, during the course of 2009, release the following BARATHRUM albums on vinyl, in reverse order, possibly with the others to follow in 2010:

Legiones Of Perkele

Furthermore, they will also release the next COUNTESS album on vinyl simultaneously with the Barbarian Wrath CD issue, and if this goes well, the back catalogue may follow. Huge news imo (imo).