Black Metal.

That really doesn't offend me, since it's partially true.

Shouldn't my using the term 'gay' in a derogatory manner be offensive to a partial gay like yourself? It's like if I went up to a black guy and said 'Fuck you. You're fucking black!' The appropriate response would be 'What the hell is wrong with that?' (actually the truly appropriate response would be 'Sorry white man. I'll get back to tilling your crops. :worship: )
It doesn't bother me. I guess I'm just less of a crybaby than the black guy you talked about in your post.
Did anyone hear the new Deathspell Omega/S.V.E.S.T. stuff yet? Apparently, it's already available for download, but I'm probably going to wait until I actually own it to listen.

The S.v.e.s.t material is killer as usual, I prefer it much more than DsO's "over the top technicality" stuff, but they're both the leaders of french black metal at the moment I guess.
Based on live videos and recordings of him from the last few years, he's actually really great and sounds very much like he does on record. I think the only people who dislike him live would be those who dislike him in studio, and those people aren't very cool.
Anyone else like Black Metal, im into the more popular bands such as 1349, Darkthrone, Dark Funearl, Gorgoroth and Dimmu Borgir.
I'll never forget the night I saw 1349 live in manchester, one of the best gigs ever, and when Enslaved were on the lead singer looks straight at me and gives the horns which was wicked.
Theres just something about Black Metal that makes it unique from any other genre, and I'd probobally be lost without it.

You fucked up. Dimmu Borgir is commercialized black metal. Bands like Elhaz are fucking amazing. Actually check them out. Elhaz MYspace
Dodens has informed me that NWN will be releasing the first two Master's Hammer albums on vinyl next year...anybody with the slightest shred of dignity will pick these up