Black Metal.

Haha a friend who was at the Watain gig in Uppsala last saturday told me about this. The pyrotechnics made the fire alarm go off but nobody gave a shit and they just stood and waited for the gig to continue. Then this guy from the support act Die Hard comes in, drunk, with a bucket of water which he pours on the pyrotechnics, and starts yelling at people "shut the fuck up!" "everyone out NOW!" and everyone boos.
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Did anyone hear the new Deathspell Omega/S.V.E.S.T. stuff yet? Apparently, it's already available for download, but I'm probably going to wait until I actually own it to listen.
Tell me what it sounds like when you hear it, preferably with text-based impersonations of Mikko Aspa's vocals included if possible.
Creator of Failure: I know what you mean by being turned off by the raw stuff sometimes. Very grating.
Have you explored the roots of black metal? Under The Sign Of The Black Mark by Bathory and To Mega Therion by Celtic Frost explored various ideas in their lyrics and have decent production.
Plus I don't listen to bands whose lyrics I find stupid, so that automatically puts away all the "Satanic" bands.

I do know some songs of those bands, but nothing more than that. So I'll check them.
Personally, I'd mostly like to know examples of metal bands that The Creator of Failure thinks have intelligent lyrics.
Personally, I'd mostly like to know examples of metal bands that The Creator of Failure thinks have intelligent lyrics.
Ok, it doesn't have to be really intelligent lyrics, but simply not to be pointless, like most Satanic lyrics. Take Secrets of the Moon for example - their lyrics are Satanic, but it's not pointless crap like "Rape Jesus, Hail Satan - I'm dying to lick your ass, kill all the Christians and piss on their corpses..." and stuff like that, their lyrics are very deep and have origin in the Bible itself. Also, for example lyrics of most old heavy metal bands, power, Viking metal are not philosophical or anything similar to that, but epic stories which is also fine (ok, lots of black metal bands fall under this as well), or there are bands that deal with real-life problems... I hope you get what I mean.
There's still plenty of black metal bands, Satanic or otherwise, that don't have lyrics like the ones you just described as stupid. Your comment just came off as very generalized to me, which is why I asked for examples.