Black Metal.

I'm glad, since maybe now you'll stop trying to suck up to me and I can post without having a retarded hipster kid try to tell me about Interpol every 5 minutes. Theoretically, you'll never read this, but I sincerely thank you for making the decision to not talk to me anymore.

I am going to add you now, because I did not do it right away. At least it left me with this! I am not a hipster. I am most educated musical fuck on this board. I never sucked up to you and if I did let me say this: Stop telling me to check to check out Swans on AIM! For gods sake! "They are the best band ever", "Most underrated band ever", "Godspeed would not be around without them" all of these were wrong. I would not call your comments sucking up to my great self but purely based around hype. A lot similar to my Interpol comments(who you should check out BTW).

I'll add you to ignore now but if you wanna debate anymore. You know where to talk to me. Just please one thing. DONT FUCKING TELL ME ABOUT SWANS OR THAT BORING CUNT JARBOE!

And your cat avatar is fucking stupid.
I am going to add you now, because I did not do it right away. At least it left me with this! I am not a hipster. I am most educated musical fuck on this board. I never sucked up to you and if I did let me say this: Stop telling me to check to check out Swans on AIM! For gods sake! "They are the best band ever", "Most underrated band ever", "Godspeed would not be around without them" all of these were wrong. I would not call your comments sucking up to my great self but purely based around hype. A lot similar to my Interpol comments(who you should check out BTW).

I'll add you to ignore now but if you wanna debate anymore. You know where to talk to me. Just please one thing. DONT FUCKING TELL ME ABOUT SWANS OR THAT BORING CUNT JARBOE!

And your cat avatar is fucking stupid.

Go back to editing black metal band wiki entries on to talk about how similar they are to Interpol. Adults are talking.

I made that post specifically to prove that you didn't ignore me, and it worked marvelously.
:lol: same shit on a different day, haven't changed a bit here! how do you guys stay on a board like this for years? haha god damn petty bullshit still
I feel post-punk and Black Metal is somewhat young in terms of how it's been experimented with. I'd like to see how someone, perhaps Carlsson himself, can come up with something which mixes dancier elements of Joy Division and (early) New Order, even perhaps some of the twisted Avantgarde soundscapes & vocals of Cocteau Twins, with Black Metal, and then tying that with stories of social urban dysfunction. That would be pretty interesting imo.
That would be one of the best things ever to happen with music. If only.
Creator of Failure: I know what you mean by being turned off by the raw stuff sometimes. Very grating.
Have you explored the roots of black metal? Under The Sign Of The Black Mark by Bathory and To Mega Therion by Celtic Frost explored various ideas in their lyrics and have decent production.
I guess most everyone here thinks The Shadowthrone is Satyricon's best? Dominions of Satyricon is great. i don't have this album yet by the way, it is much needed, I've been listening to it on youtube.