Black Metal.

I will say Lifelover is fairly boring. They have some potential to put out something awesome but it's like a collection of decent ideas made terrible.

Cheesy music for goth girls, nothing more.

I just can't believe these guys were in Dimhymn and Ondskapt, two bands I like a lot.
Can you respond to the rest? :Smug:

I can, but it's really not worth it since it's one of your posts. Besides, it's not like you said anything that matters to me or demands a response, or anything that I consider a valid point.

I was listening to Kénôse yesterday, and Fas earlier today. I'm excited to hear the new split with Deathspell Omega.
I can, but it's really not worth it since it's one of your posts. Besides, it's not like you said anything that matters to me or demands a response, or anything that I consider a valid point.

I was listening to Kénôse yesterday, and Fas earlier today. I'm excited to hear the new split with Deathspell Omega.

Yes it is. Much more than yours. You cant answer shit.
Yes it is. Much more than yours. You cant answer shit.

What can't I answer? You didn't say anything hard to reply to. Do you honestly believe that's something anyone would have a hard time answering? Maybe I didn't reply because you said something stupid that isn't totally relevant to this thread, and failed to even type it coherently.

As for it being something more worth replying to than what I said, at least I actually made points, typed them correctly and didn't resort to repeatedly calling you an idiot because I had nothing else to say.

I think everyone aside from you can see the similarities between Interpol and Joy Division, aside from the vocals, and it's pretty obvious that Amesoeurs was influenced by Joy Division when they not only talked about it in an interview, on their MySpace, official site, in the dedication to Ian Curtis on the Ruines Humaines EP and the fact that you can hear it, among other things, in their music. The formula you outlined for their music doesn't really make sense to me.

As for the quality of their music, that's entirely subjective.

Is there anything else I supposedly can't reply to? I want to make sure I got all of it in case you feel the need to call me out again on being unable to reply to something that I actually just found retarded and chose to ignore because it's not really on-topic for this thread. Did it ever occur to you that people just find you annoying and that's why they ignore you after a while?

I'm pretty much done here. Stop being a faggot already and acting like anyone who doesn't want to talk to you simply does so because they can't respond to you. I don't care to continue this discussion, because you won't say anything worth my time.
I discovered in the radio station library an album by Mystic Circle called Infernal Satanic Verses. It contains some well-executed melodic/symphonic Black Metal, sure to please any fan of Dimmu Borgir, Bishop of Hexen or Old Man's Child.

I'm looking at you especially, Einherjar.
What can't I answer? You didn't say anything hard to reply to. Do you honestly believe that's something anyone would have a hard time answering? Maybe I didn't reply because you said something stupid that isn't totally relevant to this thread, and failed to even type it coherently.

As for it being something more worth replying to than what I said, at least I actually made points, typed them correctly and didn't resort to repeatedly calling you an idiot because I had nothing else to say.

I think everyone aside from you can see the similarities between Interpol and Joy Division, aside from the vocals, and it's pretty obvious that Amesoeurs was influenced by Joy Division when they not only talked about it in an interview, on their MySpace, official site, in the dedication to Ian Curtis on the Ruines Humaines EP and the fact that you can hear it, among other things, in their music. The formula you outlined for their music doesn't really make sense to me.

As for the quality of their music, that's entirely subjective.

Is there anything else I supposedly can't reply to? I want to make sure I got all of it in case you feel the need to call me out again on being unable to reply to something that I actually just found retarded and chose to ignore because it's not really on-topic for this thread. Did it ever occur to you that people just find you annoying and that's why they ignore you after a while?

I'm pretty much done here. Stop being a faggot already and acting like anyone who doesn't want to talk to you simply does so because they can't respond to you. I don't care to continue this discussion, because you won't say anything worth my time.

You still are missing the basic fact that you still don't know fucking anything. Interpol does not have a pulsing sound similar to Joy Division.

You said the following in response to my post...

"The song on the new split is actually their oldest and most simplistic song. If you don't recognize the plain Joy Division influence on the way he writes and plays, you need to listen hearder. It's just really obvious, and all of the playing on Ruines Humaines shows a pretty big amount of it. I'd wager they're his favorite band by a big margin
Then again, you don't think Interpol sounds like Joy Division, so I'm not really surprised by this."

BUT I HAD SAID EVERYTHING IN THAT POST! You tried to start a fucking debate with me on something that I had already said.

You do not strike me as a good poster. More as a lonely fucking 20 something internet loser along with Dodens. Thus, it is time for ignore.
Manierisme - Manierisme is good stuff. Of course, it is strange and "outsider" BM but has a pretty good sense of melody and brutality. The vocals remind me of Leviathan, it has that same shifting growl sound.
That is a pretty decent description. They also sound like they have some Death Metal influence. Imagine, mid-paced, thicker production that most BM and totally fucking evil and awesome and thats about what it sounds like.

Somebody told me this is good. I'm about to listen. I'm skeptical though.

You do not strike me as a good poster.


Thus, it is time for ignore.

I'm glad, since maybe now you'll stop trying to suck up to me and I can post without having a retarded hipster kid try to tell me about Interpol every 5 minutes. Theoretically, you'll never read this, but I sincerely thank you for making the decision to not talk to me anymore.