Black Metal.

i think the Black Curse is one of Lord Belial's best albums. They are actually moving away from black metal and now they are just kick ass powerful metal.Give it another chance

I'll have to I guess. Enter the Moonlight Gate is my favourite of theirs and most of their recent stuff hasn't really appealed to me. I've only listened to The Black Curse a couple of times, and I think I even liked Revelation - The 7th Seal more than that one.
i think the Black Curse is one of Lord Belial's best albums. They are actually moving away from black metal and now they are just kick ass powerful metal.Give it another chance

You`re right, it sounds less like BM. Listened to the whole thing, it`s actually good. Guitar work is great, indeed.

I'll have to I guess. Enter the Moonlight Gate is my favourite of theirs and most of their recent stuff hasn't really appealed to me. I've only listened to The Black Curse a couple of times, and I think I even liked Revelation - The 7th Seal more than that one.

Yeah, give it another chance. It isn't mediocre. :)
It's decent, nothing amazing based on the one time I listened to it.

In other news, KNEEL BEFORE THE MASTER'S THRONE RECORDS will, during the course of 2009, release the following BARATHRUM albums on vinyl, in reverse order, possibly with the others to follow in 2010:

Legiones Of Perkele

Furthermore, they will also release the next COUNTESS album on vinyl simultaneously with the Barbarian Wrath CD issue, and if this goes well, the back catalogue may follow. Huge news imo (imo).

You don't even listen to Countess.
You turn it on your music player and turn down the volume so it records on last-fm.

BTW for real forum talk, new Deathspell Omega split is good. Yes, I do like it.