Black Metal.

Summoning is brilliant. Its probably the only non avant-garde avant-garde black band.

Also, I got my hands on some more stuff by Darkestrah yesterday. I only posessed 'Epos' before, and it was really just the tip of the iceberg. Awesome stuff.

Get The Great Silk Road if you don't have it yet.
Summoning is brilliant. Its probably the only non avant-garde avant-garde black band.

They're not avant-garde at all, or even mildly related to anything experimental, and that's probably for the best.
Probably because they're really great, have a unique and original sound that isn't pretentious or trying too hard and they've released consistently great albums.
Stronghold is alright but I really don't see what is the big deal with Summoning and why people feel the need to mention them so much on this board.

Fuck off. :mad: Summoning deserves all the praise they get.

My favorite is Dol Guldur. This band can do no wrong, even oath bound is of the same quality as their best works. :)
Summoning sound like someone with a cheap keyboard, set on "orchestral" effect, trying and failing to make epic music. Most BM bands do that better with their half-assed attempts at symphonic intro tracks.

I respect this opinion pretty much, however, I think Summoning is a very enjoyable band when the song doesn't stand solely on the keyboard. They've done some ulistenable songs due to this but I still consider them a very good band.
Summoning sound like someone with a cheap keyboard, set on "orchestral" effect, trying and failing to make epic music. Most BM bands do that better with their half-assed attempts at symphonic intro tracks.

I tend to try to look past minor little aesthetic things and appreciate the actual composition but what you said is precisely why I can't get into Summoning.
Not withstanding that I don't like most black metal, I couldn't get into Summoning either. The terrible keyboards just seem to overpower everything else. It's like taking a plate of meh and smothering it in a tasty, nutricious Casio sauce.
Summoning annoy me in that they are at times a bit too conveniently, and dare I say, forcefully epic.And most of their albums are sameish. Still, I like them, but it's not music for everyday listening. They're like Immolation gone fairyland adventuring, except that the latter actually bore me.
Thanks Divine. Imagine my horror at spelling that incorrectly. Ritual suicide is now my only option, but none of my domestic knives are sharp enough. Oh, cruel fates!