Black Metal.

You got me there. Let me explain.

I have not looked into it deeply, but I have heard Persecuted, Original Sin, and a few slam death metal bands. They don't beat Japan. Fuck yeah.
I like Marduk's World Funeral album better than Romans 5:12, I'll probably get Panzer Division Marduk as my next Marduk, the Panzer Division Marduk shirt looks really well by the way.

Plague Angel is better than Panzer Division, and the two albums are similar. The latter has better vocals (Mortuus), a heavier production and a handful of songs that have non-blast drumming parts!

Rom 5:12 is much more mature than those two, though.
For me though it's more than just the aesthetics. To me it sounds clumsy and musically naive. Like pop music that's overly sweet, this is devalued by its own heavy handed attempts to be epic. Wagner for dummies.

Then just don't listen to them if you don't like them, isn't that simple... damn we're repeating ourselve all the time.
They're just two australians guys doing music in their free time... they're not popstar or anything, they don't annoy people with publicity on everywhere on the internet, tv or anything.
Plague Angel is better than Panzer Division, and the two albums are similar. The latter has better vocals (Mortuus), a heavier production and a handful of songs that have non-blast drumming parts!

Rom 5:12 is much more mature than those two, though.

Mortuus is the best singer that band has had imo, wish he'd continue Funeral Mist though.