Black Metal.

I was actually looking around internets for the Necros Christos split. No luck. I actually didn't have much luck finding anything. I didn't look too hard tbh.
so for Alter and the other fans of Alcest/Amesoeurs/Post punk post rock shoegaze whatever black metal, check out Frail's demo Brilliant Darkness. It should be right up your alley

I hate Alcest/Amesoeurs a fucking ton but love post-punk. I will for sure check this out once my computer is back.
The cover of that Frail demo is obviously based off of the subway picture Amesoeurs used to have on the main page of their website. I've never heard the music, however.
This thread may be the epitome of obscure metal acts. I seriously haven't heard 95% of the bands you guys mention.

I downloaded the new darkestrah album and it's really cool. Previous albums better?