Black Metal.

I'm pretty sure that he didn't write all of those songs. If he was actually the band leader and only creative force and songwiter in the band, he'd probably be able to legally claim ownership of the name and stop the others from using it, something that I'd love to see him try to do.

I'm pretty sure that he wrote a lot of the lyrics, but he didn't write the music in all likelihood. Oh, and for the record, I actually like the first two Deathspell Omega albums and the Manifestations stuff a lot.
I don't doubt that there was some change in where the creative influence came from between Manifestations II and SMRC. I don't feel comfortable commenting further, considering I haven't heard anything else Hasjarl did. Yet, what I've heard from Clandestine Blaze is not enough to suppose that Mikko Aspa had much to do with any albums besides vocals. I'd love to have more info about all of this, but when a band decides to be secretive, they invite rumors.
I like that album and Huldrafolk quite a bit, and most of his other stuff, although I think that Kammen drags a lot. I'd like it a lot more if every song was only half or a third as long as it is.
MOL: I have a slight inkling that Mikko also drums for DSO now...slight...inkling.
I kind of think he played on SMRC. I'm pretty sure the drummer there is not who played on the earlier work. The drumming on Fas is so technical and proficient that it's hard to believe he could make such a leap, especially considering all the time spent on other projects and his record label.
I kind of think he played on SMRC. I'm pretty sure the drummer there is not who played on the earlier work. The drumming on Fas is so technical and proficient that it's hard to believe he could make such a leap, especially considering all the time spent on other projects and his record label.

Well, the guitar playing is certainly improved on Fas... than the other records. I can see how the whole band had just decided to play in a raw style before but had the talent to do what they do now.