Black Metal.

I kind of think he played on SMRC. I'm pretty sure the drummer there is not who played on the earlier work. The drumming on Fas is so technical and proficient that it's hard to believe he could make such a leap, especially considering all the time spent on other projects and his record label.

I don't understand why people think that because his drumming is usually so laid back that he can't bust out and be crazy on Fas.
I don't understand why people think that because his drumming is usually so laid back that he can't bust out and be crazy on Fas.

If you are talking about Mikko than I argee. The reason why he plays so simple on Clandestine Blaze is because it fits his brand of black metal in the old school style and fits the concept of that band.
Yeah, there is no indication that he can't just bust out. Similarly, Shamaatae of Arckanum never shows off but he has been a drummer "out of the womb" as he said iirc.