Black Metal.

No, he literally sits in his bedroom all day making music. Seriously.

The Hellveto guy is fucking insane too, I think he hacked reality to get more time in a day.
Gah, I'm really sick of people slagging on bands that aren't as original as Burzum or Darkthrone. No fucking shit. But I don't want to listen those bands for the billionth time. Modern black metal is modern black metal and really should be compared to such. If you're going to constantly compare what's being released now to what was realeased in 1991-94, you're missing the point. Yeah, we've all heard that stuff. If you'd like to say band x from today is not as good as band y from 2002, then okay. But to regularly bash modern bands because they aren't as good as the early bands is fucking tiresome, and it doesn't exactly provide us with anything informative here.
That's nice of you, but he didn't say it was anything new or ever even come close to making that claim. Anyone who does is a moron.

Yes, but the problem was that I talked about finding them boring and he got all faggy about it, so I elaborated on why it was boring to me. So you're a moron, Andy.
Yeah, I know, but it was the way you phrased it that made it sound stupid tbh. Also, it's not cool of you to be unnecessarily retaliatory; I wasn't calling people who made the claim that DTL is boring "morons", in fact, it's quite the opposite.
Sounds like a generic Jenn argument which she won't back down from despite the fact that there's really nothing to argue about in the first place. What did you expect?
Yeah, I know, but it was the way you phrased it that made it sound stupid tbh. Also, it's not cool of you to be unnecessarily retaliatory; I wasn't calling people who made the claim that DTL is boring "morons", in fact, it's quite the opposite.

I think you're missing the fact that I was just looking for an excuse to call you a moron, Andy.
Gah, I'm really sick of people slagging on bands that aren't as original as Burzum or Darkthrone. No fucking shit. But I don't want to listen those bands for the billionth time. Modern black metal is modern black metal and really should be compared to such. If you're going to constantly compare what's being released now to what was realeased in 1991-94, you're missing the point. Yeah, we've all heard that stuff. If you'd like to say band x from today is not as good as band y from 2002, then okay. But to regularly bash modern bands because they aren't as good as the early bands is fucking tiresome, and it doesn't exactly provide us with anything informative here.

An excellent post. I wasn't really trying to bash the newer bands. It's not that I hate them, just that I do not find them worth investing my time, money, or effort on them, for the most part. I think the newest black metal band I actually enjoy is Myrkgrav, though I guess they/he can be considered folk black metal, but whatever.

My point being, whenever I listen to some of these newer bands, I just hear the obvious influences, but without the original spirit and hunger. And yes, I think it bothers me a bit to know that these newer (bedroom) black metal bands can literally record everything in their bedroom and computer and release 4 albums a year (give me quality over quantity), whereas Bathory was recording in an abandoned warehouse with no studio (bedroom) tricks. Just something pure about the old stuff. Call me old fashioned, or just plain old (compared to most on UM). It's all good!

Regarding Hellveto, nothing ever grabbed me as being essential listening. A simple combo of Graveland and Summoning/Lord Wind, all of which are far superior. Get those bands instead.