Black Metal.

Cookiecutter, i think your black metal taste is identical to mine. I would have put Gris's -Veux-tu Danser and Blutklinge's - Ghost I though personally. Very nice work on the choices though.
Good to hear. I actually did use Ghost I and Veux-tu Danser is my favorite Gris song, I just thought Cicatrice was a little easier to take a short chunk from.
Drowning the Light is one of the most boring black metal bands that I've ever heard. It's painfully generic, and he has ambient tracks that blatantly rip off RPG Maker and Yanni.
Woops, do you did. Have you herd much drowning the light?
No I haven't. I'll listen on myspace

EDIT: Listened to all their songs on myspace. It varied in quality but overall wasn't bad. Omni it didn't seem especially generic to me, although I didn't listen to any ambient tracks. Draconian, is there an album of theirs you would specifically recommend?
You have a vagina, your opinion doesnt count.

Uh, no.

I'm sorry, but Drowning the Light isn't even remotely original or unique as far as black metal bands go. It's been done before and better. Generic, formulaic music that's been done hundreds of times. You can like it, but it's definitely not something unique or new.

If you have anything to say that's actually a relevant reply to this statement, feel free. Any comments like your last one don't really have any kind of value or meaning beyond making it look like you don't have anything real to say.
these bands that release four albums in a year are ridiculous. more bedroom black metal it seems.

based on those myspace tracks, it seems black metal is well and truly dead if this is what passes for good black metal.

not trying to be elitist, but damn. search the past. it's worth it
these bands that release four albums in a year are ridiculous. more bedroom black metal it seems.

based on those myspace tracks, it seems black metal is well and truly dead if this is what passes for good black metal.

not trying to be elitist, but damn. search the past. it's worth it

Thank you! This is exactly what I'm talking about. :)
Just listened to Diabolical Masquerad-"Ravendusk In My Heart". Still a good album...

But I still haven't gotten over the awesomeness of my new Craft and Watain-"Casus Luciferi". Both are top notch releases.
these bands that release four albums in a year are ridiculous. more bedroom black metal it seems.

based on those myspace tracks, it seems black metal is well and truly dead if this is what passes for good black metal.

not trying to be elitist, but damn. search the past. it's worth it

Njiqahdda released 4 albums in 2008, and they are actually good.
Now that you guys are talking about single artists doing multiple albums. Fuck that Vladimir Cochet guy is fuckin' insane (dude behind Mirrorthrone and various other bands). 3 albums released in 2008 (that I know of, got 2 of them) and still counting. What the fuck, does this guy do anything else besides music?