Black Metal.

Seems interesting, next on my to do list. What about Dark Fortress, anyone?

They're pretty good. Pretty melodic, fairly competent compositions. Some cool heavy riffs. Kind of like mixing Mayhem (De Mysteriis) and Emperor (In The Nightside) and modernizing a dab of Dimmu I guess. But not gay like Dimmu. Give it a shot. Either "Tales From Eternal Dusk" or "Seance" would be good bets.
This new DsO song is pretty great. I like it a lot better than Fas. All of those 20 minute songs are win, the best being Mass Grave Aesthetics probably. Whereas it felt like the "cool parts" on Fas were rather sparse, this song is pretty packed with great riffs. It helps that it sounds more like black metal this time.

I think Fas is very consistent.
This new DsO song is pretty great. I like it a lot better than Fas. All of those 20 minute songs are win, the best being Mass Grave Aesthetics probably. Whereas it felt like the "cool parts" on Fas were rather sparse, this song is pretty packed with great riffs. It helps that it sounds more like black metal this time.

This song would be so much better if they had cut some parts, it just drags far too long and they would have made their point so much clearer if they had shortened the song just a little bit. I'm going to listen to it a couple more times and see if my opinion stays the same.

They're pretty good. Pretty melodic, fairly competent compositions. Some cool heavy riffs. Kind of like mixing Mayhem (De Mysteriis) and Emperor (In The Nightside) and modernizing a dab of Dimmu I guess. But not gay like Dimmu. Give it a shot. Either "Tales From Eternal Dusk" or "Seance" would be good bets.

So I take it they're not that original?
This new DsO song is pretty great. I like it a lot better than Fas. All of those 20 minute songs are win, the best being Mass Grave Aesthetics probably. Whereas it felt like the "cool parts" on Fas were rather sparse, this song is pretty packed with great riffs. It helps that it sounds more like black metal this time.

Also, I'm planning to go to Metal Haven tonight. All CDs are down to $10.99 this week. My preliminary haul is as follows:

Peste Noir - (long French title)
Sort Vokter - Folkloric Necro Metal
A Forest of Stars - (whatever it is)
Old Wainds - (something in Russian, the demos I believe)
Malign - (demos comp)
UFO - Lights Out (used)

Gah, so hard to decide. I also wanted some Ildjarn, the new Cynic, those Paysage d'Hiver digibooks, and uh, other stuff that I can't recall. So hard to not spend $80-100 when there's a sale there.

Did Mark finally get the Peste Noire albums?
it seems BM has come along way from the old days, when Beherit were "the most hated band in the world",i believe being competant musicians is secondary to ideology,much in the same way as true punk(the Pistols could'nt play for shit),this is why i'm real keen to check out this Ayat album,it's just not as dangerous anymore,which is why i've gradually lost interest as the years have gone by,oh well..just a thought
I never understand what people are on about when they talk about black metal being so badly played. Unless you're seeking out shitty demos for bad bands that no one has heard of, I can probably count on one hand the number of BM albums with bad musical performances that I've heard.
it's not so much as being badly played,rather i'd prefer BM that's played with conviction and spirit,Fenris said recently that he wants to get worse as a drummer,it's ok to play loose,infact i'd much rather this than what DSO are doing these days,just a matter of taste i guess
I agree with you. Black metal is about the feeling, the passion. Maybe it's a dirty, misanthropic, satanic, suicidal passion. But it's about putting all those negative emotion into the music. Not about being technically proficient. Although there's no problem with being technically proficient, especially incorporated with the feeling. Watain being an example imo.
this sounds really cool man!! your drumming is sufficient(i'm no drummer or musician at all,just a fan),for this style of music,i really like it,reminds me of Drudkh :kickass::kickass:
Yeah, Drudkh was a big influence on us. I try not to be arrogant about my band. We've got an additional guitar player and will hopefully be doing a real release soon. I do really like a lot of what we came up with.
Ha, we basically abandoned that song because we thought it was weak. Being the drummer, I thought I was the most objective one, so I still liked what was going on there.

I really do not want to be arrogant, but I think the stuff that my friend and I came up with is good enough to get released by a mid-sized label, so I haven't spammed out my band like some other people have.