Black Metal.

So i'm listening to The Kovenant's In Times Before The Light (remix) and I can't help but pose the question, how is this industrial black metal? this is symphonic black metal if anything. Are the other Kovenant albums worth checking out?
So i'm listening to The Kovenant's In Times Before The Light (remix) and I can't help but pose the question, how is this industrial black metal? this is symphonic black metal if anything. Are the other Kovenant albums worth checking out?

It was originally a symphonic BM album, but they re-worked it with an industrial/electronic vibe. You may like Animatronic but it's not really Black Metal as much as it's industrial/gothic metal.
First ep is good, Till Fjälls is their weakest after The Focusing Blur(!!!), Ödemarkens Son is the best of their folk albums, it's incredible. Cosmic Genesis is my favourite VS album, not a single dull moment except the song "Ars Memorativa". Visions is very cool too, the addition of Steve DiGiorgio on bass and Asgeir Mickelson on drums is super, especially Mickelson since i fucking hate drum machines. The Focusing Blur is their weakest but not as bad as everyone says, the quality is up and down instead of just something in the middle. Solens Rötter i didn't enjoy that much first, but it's a grower and it's starting to become pretty damn awesome, i'd place it third after Cosmic Genesis and Ödemarkens Son.