Black Metal.

indeed it is,especially for demo material,i really like it,judging by the strength of this,you guys have obviously put alot of thought and effort into this and i'm sure someone's gonna pick it name4 is particulary good(infact all four songs are very good),sounds awesome through my soundsystem
All that stuff was recorded with one guitar and drums via a single microphone hung from the ceiling of my basement. It turned out well in spite of that. A lot of that stuff was based on improvised takes of a few simple ideas that we had. I'm hoping that in the near future we get a solid EP based on some dual guitar recordings done.
Yeah, they're not bad, MasterOLightning. There's definitely potential. I agree that noname4 is the best of the group. The others can be a bit hit and miss, ie Vicissitudes kind of loses momentum halfway through as you guys attempts a spacey atmospheric part which doesn't sound very atmospheric. Perhaps it's just hindered by the production.

And a comment about your drumming. It's probably just because they're demo tracks and semi-improvised like you said, but it sounds to me like you're thinking too hard about it, like I can almost hear you counting the beats in your head. It needs some more "flow".

But anyhow, I enjoyed it.
It's funny because I didn't count out those songs at all. Some of those songs are rather old recordings where I was not playing at the best of my ability, and they were more or less jams where I was just doing whatever. The songs change quite a bit when they take on a 2nd guitar part. Burning Leaves and Vicissitude are mostly complete with the 2nd guitar, so I may have recordings to post with those soon, and maybe some new songs. I'd like to be ready to play live soon, but I'm not concerned about adding a vocalist. Seems unnecessary.

P.S. I'm glad some of you guys dug that stuff. \m/ And I think Vicissitude is the best-composed song, but maybe you need to hear the finished version. All of those songs are solid, and could be really good if they had non-basement quality. There are some Velvet Cacaoon and Leviathan rip-offs that I like a ton that aren't posted on the myspace.

P.P.S. I'm pretty sure that my band is a lot better than tons of black metal. If we got our act together I'm sure we could easily put out an 8/10 quality record.
definatley man,i love this style of BM and to tell you the truth,did'nt even notice the lack of a singer,infact i really like it without the vocalist,this is the sort of music where you can write ten minute plus songs and not even notice how much time has passed,only the best can pull this kinda stuff off,keep up the good work mate:kickass:
Since receiving Storm of the Light's Bane I find myself constantly listening to it, especially the song Where Dead Angels Lie. And watching the live video of it. Can't get enough.
It's funny because I didn't count out those songs at all. Some of those songs are rather old recordings where I was not playing at the best of my ability, and they were more or less jams where I was just doing whatever. The songs change quite a bit when they take on a 2nd guitar part. Burning Leaves and Vicissitude are mostly complete with the 2nd guitar, so I may have recordings to post with those soon, and maybe some new songs. I'd like to be ready to play live soon, but I'm not concerned about adding a vocalist. Seems unnecessary.

P.S. I'm glad some of you guys dug that stuff. m/ And I think Vicissitude is the best-composed song, but maybe you need to hear the finished version. All of those songs are solid, and could be really good if they had non-basement quality. There are some Velvet Cacaoon and Leviathan rip-offs that I like a ton that aren't posted on the myspace.

P.P.S. I'm pretty sure that my band is a lot better than tons of black metal. If we got our act together I'm sure we could easily put out an 8/10 quality record.

I'm liking ya'lls style, especially as someone else mentioned earlier, the sans vocal element is working. I'll be looking forward to better recordings. If what you have up is with just one microphone I may have to try and record some of my roommate/my work, I had figured trying to record like that would be a waste.
Anyone heard of Wither from Australia? I'm listening to their self titled EP and it sounds really good. Slow black metal with guitar solos and clean vocals. Reminds me of countrymen Funeral Mourning with a little Nachtmystium and Urfaust in there as well.
Hi there, looking for a bit of advice and didn't know where else to ask. Does anyone know where you can purchase Neo Inferno 262's album 'Hacking The Holy Code', if you can that is? In the UK, or from somewhere that will ship to the UK. Thank you.
What a great and informative post. Thanks so much for your great contribution to this thread.

lol this guy is one epic troll,have encountered him b4,there are dudes around who will never give BM a chance,i believe this comes down to bad publicity the genre has garnered in years gone by,oh well their loss,I love all Metal regardless of genre as long as it's good Metal,try and keep my mind open:heh:

What percentage of you faggot downloaders have downloaded this and not bought it yet?

Buy it right here for $12:

Didn't even download because it's a waste of time.