Black Metal.

I dislike Ihsahn because, if you ask me, it all sounds like overlong pseudo-progressive metal with way too much in the way of keyboards, really bad King Diamond-wannabe vocals and wimpy screaming.
Ihsahn's falsetto is amusing and I can get behind that, but he has some of the worst growls in extreme metal. He hasn't been able to cut it since Anthems. He's seriously a terrible extreme vocalist nowadays. The Ihsahn albums have some moments, but they aren't too great in general.
Ihsahn's falsetto is amusing and I can get behind that, but he has some of the worst growls in extreme metal. He hasn't been able to cut it since Anthems. He's seriously a terrible extreme vocalist nowadays. The Ihsahn albums have some moments, but they aren't too great in general.

On the topic of Anthems, I realized not too long ago that I am not too fond of this particular album anymore. It's kind of a sad thought because it's one of the albums that first got me into black metal so many years ago.
It's still one of my favorites. Then again, Dimmu Borgir hasn't lost it's appeal to me either. So much for bands/albums that people "grow out of".
You've only been listening to metal for a couple years. You're hardly past the "growing out of" stage.
Ihsahn's falsetto is amusing and I can get behind that, but he has some of the worst growls in extreme metal. He hasn't been able to cut it since Anthems. He's seriously a terrible extreme vocalist nowadays. The Ihsahn albums have some moments, but they aren't too great in general.
Ihsahn's one of my favorite black metal vocalists, just there's something about his vocals I really enjoy, same thing with Satyr.
Amesoeurs is worth listening to in my opinion. They're the only one of the post-punk black metal bands that actually makes it sound natural and cohesive, and both vocalists are extremely good. Obviously, if you don't really like that kind of music, you might not want to listen to black metal that draws heavily from it.
I liked it. It sounds a lot like Agalloch.

Koude Haat apparently likes Ihsahn's solo music, and because of that, I can live with him considering me a poser for liking Fen. No offense.

Whoa... so there are people that can admit that they are posers!!! I thought that was not possible!!! Because there are many poser but there are none willing to admit it and deny it...
No, she can admit that she doesn't mind that he calls her a poser, because of some other circumstance (namely that the person making the poser accusation listens to something which is resoundingly "poser" in various ways).