Black Metal.

Any stuff out there like Ildjarn? Not in terms of the production, but how simple and catchy it is. Or am I better off just getting all the Ildjarn I can and leaving it at that? I have the Sort Vokter album, and I like it, but it didn't live up to some of the lofty praise I've seen for it.
Any stuff out there like Ildjarn? Not in terms of the production, but how simple and catchy it is. Or am I better off just getting all the Ildjarn I can and leaving it at that? I have the Sort Vokter album, and I like it, but it didn't live up to some of the lofty praise I've seen for it.

I like the Sort Vokter album as well and agree with what you are saying here. It's good but not something I can really listen to a whole lot.
You don't like any Ildjarn because you're a poser, so I'm not sure that your opinion has a lot of weight here, Andy. ;)

The Sort Vokter album is good, but Ildjarn's solo work and stuff he recorded as Ildjarn-Nidhogg are his best.
Any stuff out there like Ildjarn? Not in terms of the production, but how simple and catchy it is. Or am I better off just getting all the Ildjarn I can and leaving it at that? I have the Sort Vokter album, and I like it, but it didn't live up to some of the lofty praise I've seen for it.
My black metal band's full length when I get it recorded. :p
I'm shortening the songs and including more songs, I remember you told me my music sounded somewhat like Ildjarn, correct?
In case anyone didn't hear, Infernus won his court case against Gaahl and King and will retain all rights to the name Gorgoroth. The court has decided that Infernus can't be forced to leave the band, as he is the founder and only original member of the band, and he would have to leave of his own free will. Gaahl and King will also have to pay for damages, although the amount is to be determined at a later date.

I actually have hopes that Gorgoroth could record a worthwhile album again if Infernus is the driving force behind the band like he used to be. Pest is also a great vocalist, so I'm glad that he's back in the band.
I like some but not all.

Bands I like:

Dark throne
Dark funeral

To name a few
In case anyone didn't hear, Infernus won his court case against Gaahl and King and will retain all rights to the name Gorgoroth. The court has decided that Infernus can't be forced to leave the band, as he is the founder and only original member of the band, and he would have to leave of his own free will. Gaahl and King will also have to pay for damages, although the amount is to be determined at a later date.

I actually have hopes that Gorgoroth could record a worthwhile album again if Infernus is the driving force behind the band like he used to be. Pest is also a great vocalist, so I'm glad that he's back in the band.
Two things of big news in black metal.
Yes, and good to hear. Ghaal and King really upset me with that move. It'd be different if it were an issue with a band like Deicide, where all original members were battling, but Gorgoroth is Infernus' band. Period.
In case anyone didn't hear, Infernus won his court case against Gaahl and King and will retain all rights to the name Gorgoroth. The court has decided that Infernus can't be forced to leave the band, as he is the founder and only original member of the band, and he would have to leave of his own free will. Gaahl and King will also have to pay for damages, although the amount is to be determined at a later date.

I actually have hopes that Gorgoroth could record a worthwhile album again if Infernus is the driving force behind the band like he used to be. Pest is also a great vocalist, so I'm glad that he's back in the band.
I guess we'll have one Gorgoroth with everyone making up then.:lol:
In case anyone didn't hear, Infernus won his court case against Gaahl and King and will retain all rights to the name Gorgoroth. The court has decided that Infernus can't be forced to leave the band, as he is the founder and only original member of the band, and he would have to leave of his own free will. Gaahl and King will also have to pay for damages, although the amount is to be determined at a later date.

I actually have hopes that Gorgoroth could record a worthwhile album again if Infernus is the driving force behind the band like he used to be. Pest is also a great vocalist, so I'm glad that he's back in the band.
Turns out like I thought it would. Still I look forward to more from King and Gaahl.