Black Metal.

Not at all. It's kind of terrible.

So is your opinion. Don't bring any other ones to the table.

I was having trouble paying attention to it. Hopefully it clicks. I loved Ruines Humaines.

It will! imo the album is worth it for La Reine Trayeuse alone.

That song is almost dirge like, such bittersweet romance (in my opinion is a standout characteristic of Neige's songwriting style, it's almost adolescent and naive in some ways), it sweeps through the whole album. This is the kind of record you put on repeat when you've fallen in love with the woman of your dreams in the dead of winter.

The more I listen to this record, the less I approach it in a metal sense. It's more a dark indie-rock/romantic shoegaze record than anything else.

Parts of the record harken back to early Joy Division (some parts remind me of 'Digital' for some reason), and others bring up memories of My Bloody Valentine.
posted March 18, 2009

Hells Headbangers will be exclusively manufacturing & distributing both ABHORER vinyls for Shivarage Music to be unleashed Summer 2009. Pressing details include a "die hard" edition, small number of Picture LPs and regular black vinyl. NO PRE-ORDERS, watch our site for further details.
A new interview from February 2009 is online at VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE, which also confirms the authenticity of these official releases. Another new interview with the band will be printed in SOD #29.
Okay, so one of their releases will be legitimate. I guarantee they have no support from the bands to release the majority of their back catalogue, though. Like Mortuary Drape.
as long as the vinyl editions are of good quality ill buy. Im also looking forward to the mortuary drape Secret Sudaria LP thats being rereleased soon. The one i own is shitty.
So is your opinion. Don't bring any other ones to the table.

It will! imo the album is worth it for La Reine Trayeuse alone.

That song is almost dirge like, such bittersweet romance (in my opinion is a standout characteristic of Neige's songwriting style, it's almost adolescent and naive in some ways), it sweeps through the whole album. This is the kind of record you put on repeat when you've fallen in love with the woman of your dreams in the dead of winter.

The more I listen to this record, the less I approach it in a metal sense. It's more a dark indie-rock/romantic shoegaze record than anything else.

Parts of the record harken back to early Joy Division (some parts remind me of 'Digital' for some reason), and others bring up memories of My Bloody Valentine.

I think the last track Au Crépuscule de Nos Rêves is the best on the album
No, she can admit that she doesn't mind that he calls her a poser, because of some other circumstance (namely that the person making the poser accusation listens to something which is resoundingly "poser" in various ways).

I see... yeah, its true that many posers call other people posers to shift the blame on them and to feel good about themselves. WE SHOULD SACRIFICE THEM!!!:heh:
Anyway, back on topic ;)

I unfortunately find myself lacking anything to add...what's going on in the world of black metal these days? Good new stuff?
Anyway, back on topic ;)

I unfortunately find myself lacking anything to add...what's going on in the world of black metal these days? Good new stuff?

check out Embrace of Thorns. Their first LP is great, and from their new myspace samples that were just uploaded... wow they seem to be getting better and better.

They are bestial black/death with influence from Autopy's mental funeral album. Their newer stuff is more death metal sounding. Still check them out.
Yeah, it's too bad that people seem content to discuss the new Absu and BAN records for the rest of the year.

I heard some of the Nordvrede album tonight, and it seemed promising, but I'd like to give it a more thorough listen. Seems nothing too original, but produced well, and there are enough riffs to keep someone on board for a few listens.
The new Ash Pool EP is outstanding. I can not wait for a new full-length to be out and start enjoying the new music that Dom ofers. I honestly expect it be my most anticipated album of the new year.
Ash Pool is really bad if the first full-length is any indication. I doubt his new music will be much better. It's just generic black metal with some sludgy riffs.