Black Metal.

Have anyone heard the new album from australian Austere - To Lay Like Old Ashes? Listening to it now, and I'm blown away. If you like depressive black metal then check it out.
I think I'll list them.
Ulver-Nattens Madrigal, Bergtatt
Emperor, Anthems, INTE
Darkthrone-Transilvanian Hunger
Satyricon-Dark Medieval Times, the Shadowthrone, Nemesis Divina
Burzum-Burzum/Aske, Filosofem
Dark Funeral-Secrets of The Black Arts
I've just heard songs from all the more famous 2nd Wave bands, I need to buy some more 2nd Wave albums though, and I didn't include vikingligr Veldi because I already mentioned them. I need some Immortal, Enslaved, Gorgoroth, and early Dimmu Borgir.
How many have you actually heard?

A majority of them all since, like, 7th grade. Black Metal was one of the only things I listened to in junior high and my first year in high school. Naturally, I have heard almost all of the ground breaking albums and than some of the more obscure ones. The only things I do not think I have heard is Arcturus and all of Ildjarn releases(I have only heard Ildjarn-Nidhogg and Forest Poetry), so I think I am pretty well-set to say just such a thing to him.

@Derek: Yeah, you got a while to go before you hit most of the classical albums. I would not say Dark Funeral has released a masterpiece or a 'classic' album in regards to the Norwegian time period, assuming we are including Swedish bands like we should.
I like it is pretty good but Enslaved is not my thing all that much anymore. Funny to think I used to dig them more than Burzum. Very funny.
Good man. You've found a great band to latch onto.

In order, imo:

(New Enslaved)
- Below the Lights
- Ruun
- Vertebrae
- Monumension

(Old Enslaved)
- Eld
- Blodhemn
- Mardraum
- Vikingligr Veldi
- Frost
Below The Lights will probably be next. Seems everyone loves that one. If it's as good as Isa, or even close, I'll love it. It's rare I'm THIS impressed by an album.