Black Metal.

Just bought that album myself, though it is in the mail as we speak and has not arrived. It's going to be epic from I have heard and much better than his most recent efforts. Plus, the packaging and artwork is pretty cool.

Okay I hate to burst your bubble here, but I must: yes, the artwork is cool, but I'm afraid it's official imo - Malefic has lost it, this new work is a shambles. Feels unfinished, directionless, and forced. Not my cup of tea. I think the guy needs to take a break from composing music for a while.

Nice avatar btw.
mmmmm whos diggin the new Absu album.
Audio sample to keep it real
Okay I hate to burst your bubble here, but I must: yes, the artwork is cool, but I'm afraid it's official imo - Malefic has lost it, this new work is a shambles. Feels unfinished, directionless, and forced. Not my cup of tea. I think the guy needs to take a break from composing music for a while.
That's too bad. Sounds like you might as well be describing Defective Epitaph.
Personally I hold nothing against CoF, they definitely have a Black Metal influenced sound, and I think most of the hate for them come from people who lose interest in bands as they receive main stream success
Gods, stop making posts for which the only purpose is to demonstrate your infinite vessel of knowledge. Just comment on an ongoing discussion and say something relevant.

Cease this egomaniacal need for validation!

EDIT: not saying that you're the only egomaniacal poster here, but somehow I find your posts far more annoying than most.

This is relevant to my interests.. see if we keep one upping each other than my collection of good symphonic bm will grow.
Personally I hold nothing against CoF, they definitely have a Black Metal influenced sound, and I think most of the hate for them come from people who lose interest in bands as they receive main stream success
Contrary to popular belief, I think people who dislike bands for this reason are a small minority. Personally I never really liked them so I didn't "lose" interest. You could do worse than CoF but you could do a whole lot better.
In Abhorrence Dementia is a landmark symphonic black metal album. It's some of the best work with symphonics that I've heard done. Can't say whether it's their best or not, but I definitely believe it's up there. Zeph could tell you all about them.
I only have Legacy Of Evil and really dig it, I need to get some more stuff from these guys, as I am highly impressed! :headbang: Would you say Abhorrence Dementia is their best album?

Legacy of Evil is their worst. The only good from it is the possibility that they'll tour.

In Abhorrence Dementia is their magnum opus, the peak of complexity and creativity. It is the archetype of symphonic BM. Check out my review for it here:

Aside from that, Moon in the Scorpio is an atmospheric masterpiece, and Ad Noctum is a quasi-industrial tour de force. The Ultimate Death Worship is decent, and worth it, but I don't really listen to it anymore.