Black Metal.

Speaking of Amesoeurs, Fursy got really mad at me for asking about Peste Noire and why Neige and the others are no longer in the band. I assume it's because of what happened with Amesoeurs, as Audrey has contributions to the upcoming Peste Noire album.
Speaking of Amesoeurs, Fursy got really mad at me for asking about Peste Noire and why Neige and the others are no longer in the band. I assume it's because of what happened with Amesoeurs, as Audrey has contributions to the upcoming Peste Noire album.

Where did you talk to him? Really mad? Can you explain what he said, haha? Sounds kind of funny.

Let's hope Velnias gets that medal

Haha I kind of know the bassist. They are decent.
He has a page, though I won't give it out here. He became very upset because he considers matters related to what goes on between his friends and their bands to be private. I apologized and everything is okay, but he is very uneasy about speaking of those things, no doubt because of the amount of drama it could cause.
I'm still excited for the new material. Considering that the departed members did not write a bulk of the material on past albums.
The new Teitanblood album is incredible. It's more DM sounding but holy shit this the best album of the year for me and i dont see anything topping it. Theres a new Proclamation album coming out in a few months but Teitanblood is superior in every way and i dont think it will come close to topping this. Has anyone else heard it?
The new Teitanblood album is incredible. It's more DM sounding but holy shit this the best album of the year for me and i dont see anything topping it. Theres a new Proclamation album coming out in a few months but Teitanblood is superior in every way and i dont think it will come close to topping this. Has anyone else heard it?

I've been wanting to check this out but I haven't found it anywhere. Has it been released in the US yet?
So, I'm not sure if it's been brought up yet but what do you guys think of the new I Shalt Become? I'm only on the second track right now and liking what I've heard so far.
I'll probably listen once before my copy arrives because I'm way too curious based on what people are saying about it. I'll post my opinions when I do.
so after giving the new Peste Noire a few spins, i am seriously impressed. It's def. a grower, i keep finding new things to like about it after every spin . This blows FFF away quality wise. Im liking the nationalistic vibe along with the hard rockish Riffs with a little bit of folk melody that goes with it. the soloing is also back but used more sparingly. Also this album is very melancholic sounding which fits perfectly with what Famine was trying to do with this album. Hopefully this will be issued on Vinyl along with the other albums soon.