Black Metal.

Unusually strong year for BM so far. My personal favorites have been Cobalt and Blut Aus Nord.
so after giving the new Peste Noire a few spins, i am seriously impressed. It's def. a grower, i keep finding new things to like about it after every spin . This blows FFF away quality wise. Im liking the nationalistic vibe along with the hard rockish Riffs with a little bit of folk melody that goes with it. the soloing is also back but used more sparingly. Also this album is very melancholic sounding which fits perfectly with what Famine was trying to do with this album. Hopefully this will be issued on Vinyl along with the other albums soon.

I'm kind of surprised to see such a glowing review coming from you. I heard samples of the songs from some distro and wasn't all that impressed. However, this is probably one of those records where you need more than 30 seconds of each song to truly know what's going on. One major complaint I had (and again this is solely based off of the samples) is it seemed that the Audrey lady was featured way too often in the music. Her voice could be fine in small doses, but I don't know if I'd want to hear her throughout a Peste Noire album.

Considering I thought Folk Fuck was a solid album, I'll probably end up picking this up.
She's only featured a few times on the album. I was initially worried about that as well, but it works well since it's done sparingly.
So has anyone listened to Vulture Industries' 2007 album "The Dystopia Journals" If so, does anyone else know any bands that are really similar to them.
the new Samael is actually very good black metal too. I'm totally serious. Also the new Fluisterwoud is bound to be good.

Samael making black metal again? Seriously? I didn't know there was a new album, I'll have to order that. I hadn't thought of Fluisterwoud in years either, Langs Galg en Rad was great, got a lot of spins. Exciting news here.
Based on the MySpace stuff, the new Samael is a pretty clean sounding, generic melodic black metal album with weak vocals.
Based on the MySpace stuff, the new Samael is a pretty clean sounding, generic melodic black metal album with weak vocals.

Don't listen to her, it's pretty damn good stuff, sounds like mid-90s Swedish melodic BM kind of, and Vorph sounds really good.
Don't listen to her, it's pretty damn good stuff, sounds like mid-90s Swedish melodic BM kind of, and Vorph sounds really good.

The couple of new songs they played when I saw them were REALLY good , but what I've actually heard from the album itself was just kind of okay. It's a step in the right direction for them, however so I'm hoping their next album will sound a little closer to the old Samael that I adore so very much.
Yeah the big mistake people are making (other than Jenn who I believe to just be weird ;)) is that they are thinking it should sound like older Samael, which it...well, doesn't. It's not even close.