Black Metal.

also judging the new stuff just off Black Hole on the Myspace would be silly, to anyone who might do so, as it's the worst/lightest/lamest song on the CD imo.
I'll saw this, the new Amesoeurs is not terrible like the EP was, it does have its moments here and there. Overall though, it is still boring and the guitar tone is still really fucking terrible. I do prefer them to the other "black rock" bands like Lifelover or whatever dumb shit that those bands make.

The new Peste Noire might be their best yet though.
Yeah the big mistake people are making (other than Jenn who I believe to just be weird ;)) is that they are thinking it should sound like older Samael, which it...well, doesn't. It's not even close.

It is a fairly generic melodic black metal album. You might like it and think it's a good one, but that's still what it is. It also definitely doesn't sound like mid-90's melodic Swedish black metal. I bet that David, who I'd consider an authority on that type of music, would probably tell you that you're way off the mark.
Whatever you say. I think it is probably the best reference point I can give in terms of a "sound" within the genre, and I don't particularly care if MP disagrees. A few of the songs at least (the best ones) definitely remind me more of various bands (Dissection, Octinomos, Sacramentum, early Naglfar) than anything else in BM. In any case, you've only heard one or two songs from it and on Myspace anyway so I think I at least have more room to talk about the album than you ;)
I'll saw this, the new Amesoeurs is not terrible like the EP was, it does have its moments here and there. Overall though, it is still boring and the guitar tone is still really fucking terrible. I do prefer them to the other "black rock" bands like Lifelover or whatever dumb shit that those bands make.

The new Peste Noire might be their best yet though.

The new Amensoeurs is my second favorite album of the year, behind the new Blut Aus Nord. But then again I like to listen to post-rock/shoegaze.
Samples of the new Beherit here: [ame][/ame]
:lol: Yeah, ive been holding off from downloading new stuff lately. Not that i have a problem with it obviously, but it tends to pay off in the end to wait.