Black Metal.

This Krallice album is pretty damn good. I'm excited that they're coming to town next month. The melodies have this "imperial" quality. The best moments remind me of video game or film score somehow. Very flowing, sounding almost improvised. Other times, the guitars play something like a round. A couple of times they settle for some conventional thrashy beats, which go against the spirit of the rest of the album, which uses plenty of irregular structures, and some odd time signatures. It probably even would have been okay if there were no vocals. They're pretty minor.
haha yeahh i love black metal. not really sure how i got into it.

but some faves: immortal emperor mirzadeh burzum trollech venom nargaroth mystic forest carpathian forest darkthrone i gorgoroth destroyer666 dimmu borgir mayhem old mans child satyircon :)
This Krallice album is pretty damn good. I'm excited that they're coming to town next month. The melodies have this "imperial" quality. The best moments remind me of video game or film score somehow. Very flowing, sounding almost improvised. Other times, the guitars play something like a round. A couple of times they settle for some conventional thrashy beats, which go against the spirit of the rest of the album, which uses plenty of irregular structures, and some odd time signatures. It probably even would have been okay if there were no vocals. They're pretty minor.

The whole record was rather redundant, tbh.

somebody mentioned Kvist within the last couple of pages and I forgot how fucking solid and underappreciated For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike is
Stop the fucking flame wars.

Back on topic, I command you to go and listen to Summoning's album Dol Guldur.