Black Metal.

Deathcrush, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, Live in Leipzig and Ordo Ad Chao are the only ones worth hearing in my opinion.
The stuff with Silenius is all their best work, so they need to reissue that stuff first.
My favourite black metal bands are probably Dimmu Borgir, Immortal and Rotting Christ. I like most others, but they really stand out in my eyes :Smokin:
In Sorte Diaboli was an awesome album! Puritania is the most epic DB song.

In comparison with say, Spiritual Black Dimensions and Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, In Sorte Diaboli wasn't that good. The Chosen Legacy is a brilliant song. Puritania is great, but I prefer Mourning Palace :headbang:
I used to like Dimmu a lot, and even enjoyed Death Cult Armageddon but I've lost a considerable amount of interest in the band with their last two releases.

Image-wise, they remind me of Gwar these days. :erk: