Black Metal.

I don't think I've listened to anything truly black metal from this year so far. However, I'm listening to Frozen Shadows - Hantises again so everything's fine :)

edit: oh yeah, duh, the new BAN. so unless we're counting Samael and/or Absu, that's the only BM release from 2009 I've heard. It's quite good though, not sure how i feel towards it over time but it seems pretty solid.
If reissues count, the Order of the Ebon Hand album is better than anything mentioned here so far.
Anyone heard the new Fen? That's gotta be one of the best so far...

I didn't even know Austere had a new album out - that's good news!
New Austere is pretty good, I don't think it's as good as BAN's Memoria Vetusta II but still pretty fucking good.

I'm really digging new Peste Noire, I still haven't heard Folkfuck Folie but I think it sounds very different to La Sanie.
so far top three

blut aus nord - nothing will touch it for aoy

njiqhadda- even though it wasn't quite as incredible as the other releases, it's still way ahead of almost everything else

xasthur - awesome. come on now, it's just almost perfect

also striborg because if you listen to percieving the world with hate you can tell the pentemple/sunoooo influences. makes a world of difference

but we are still waiting the drudkh and graveland releases
oh and also does anyone know if astrofaes is gonna record another full length? i'm jonesin'.

im like the only asrtofaes fan
umj, huh? im kinda thinking about microcosmos

how could you be dissapointed with it? it rules

almost perfect blend of folk and black