Black Metal.

Order of the Ebon Hand's A Mystic Path to the Netherworld is definitely one of the most underrated black metal albums. I wish that I had checked it out a couple of years ago when I first heard of the band. Check it out if you like Nocternity.
:lol: yeah

Anyone know of any drone-ish, hazy black metal à la Velvet Cacoon? And please, do not tell me any suicidal bands; that stuff is terrible.
Anyone know of any drone-ish, hazy black metal à la Velvet Cacoon? And please, do not tell me any suicidal bands; that stuff is terrible.

I'm thinking you'd like Vuotare. Not really similar to Velvet Cacoon but they are dronish and hazy black/doom...from what I can remember.

Oh and try I Shalt Become if you haven't already.
I'm thinking you'd like Vuotare. Not really similar to Velvet Cacoon but they are dronish and hazy black/doom...from what I can remember.

Oh and try I Shalt Become if you haven't already.

I will be checking out Vuotare. I'll take it that I start on the full-length?

Yeah, I really dig the first album from I Shalt Become. Though, that is all I have heard from him.

Alter try Trist(Cz) if you haven't. I think you'd like it. Listen to the song Sneni especially.

I have been wanting to check out Trist for a while. What album do I start on? They aren't like most suicidal bands, right?

Wait...(((0))) is Alter? I didn't know this.

Also, I second I Shalt Become. I really cannot get enough of the new one recently.

Yes, I am Alter.

What is the new one like? Similar to the first record?
The production on the new I Shalt Become is cleaner than his previous efforts. It's also a bit more melodic but he hasn't strayed too far away from his standard style. Also, there were only a couple hundred copies printed and at this point in time it's really hard to obtain so your best bet is to download, which you can do from my blog. :)
I have been wanting to check out Trist for a while. What album do I start on? They aren't like most suicidal bands, right?
Trist is certainly a suicidal black metal band, but in my opinion he is the best of the genre and his music is far from typical. I'd recommend starting with Stiny because it's his most accessible and most available. If you have no qualms about downloading I'd recommend getting the Trist/Korium split, Zircadleni Melancholie and Neni Cesty Zpet. If you need download links I can send them to you.