Black Metal.

profanatica is ideed awesome, glad you like them V. Havohej has a new album coming out soon but i doubt it will be as good as their first album. seems they now make weird experimental non metal now.
Yeah, Kembatian Premaster...the stuff I heard sounded alright. I tend to like Profanatica more than Havohej though. I like how Nathan Birk put it when he discussed later Havohej..."the sound of Ledney (awesomely) losing his marbles"...lmao
So I see that Zyklon B Productions has recently put out a split by Leviathan and Acherontas called Sic Luceat Lux. My question is, is this new material by Wrest or old stuff from his vault? Last I heard, he hadn't written/recorded anything since the release of Massive Conspiracy and this split came out of nowhere (to me at least)
I was also under the impression he was done, so this surprised me as well. It wasn't advertised in the slightest, which is odd for such a limited pressing.
It was recorded sometime before The Blind Wound EP. You can tell by the old V-drums rather than the real set used on that EP and Massive Conspiracy. I'll have to give it a few more spins, but it doesn't seem to be one of the better efforts. I'd probably date it at 2003 or 2004. To the best of my knowledge the songs have not appeared on any of the demos previously, but I'm not positive. I'd have a hard time recommending purchase at the price it's at, but it's rare, the other band isn't bad, and being Leviathan, you still hear a good few ideas he's never used before.
Hello everybody !
Some may have noticed that BARBARIAN WRATH has ben unusually silent these past month and indeed, since the release of FAUSTCOVEN and TEARSTAINED in July 2008 not much has happened. The reasons for this are many and mostly of a private nature. Things are now about to change.

The next batch of BARBARIAN WRATH releases will be COUNTESS' "Burning Scripture" CD, WARHORDEs "Death Rattle" CD and a COUNTESS t-shirt. The t-shirt will be limited to 200 and will only be sold as package together with both CDs.

In essence this means that in order to provide everyone with a shirt that fits I will need 200 preorders. I'm currently researching shirt prices and I'm confident that the packages can be sold for 40 EUR or slightly less. I will post further news concerning this once I have a detailed price, descriptions and mp3s up and designs and layouts ready.

I find that it's hard to get myself to listen to Leviathan but I enjoy it when I do.

I am the same way. There is a lot of early Leviathan (mostly demo stuff) that I still haven't heard at all, but Howl Mockery at The Cross was the first collection of songs by Wrest that really impressed me. I think it might have more to do with me than the music itself but now I find myself enjoying his other works more than ever and I prefer Leviathan to Xasthur now overall.

I for one can't fucking wait for the new Immortal album and hopefully they'll tour the US! I would rape my dad to see Immortal live, true fact.

Love this album.
probably correct but blackgoat is insane. he guilt trips everyone into buying his shit "im gonna close my label no sales mannn people only bought 50 copies of the last countess album" or how he doesnt even try to distribute his albums to other labels, hell he doesnt even to his own (not for a long time) not to mention this dude lies a lot. he seemed like an okay dude a couple years ago but this guy has issues.
Trust me, I know how he is, I've been following his activity since 2004. I wasn't disagreeing with you, I was just explaining that Countess won't continue without him.