Black Metal.


Also, tell me about Forgotten Woods.

As someone else mentioned, get The Curse Of Mankind and prepare to wet yourself. Seriously SERIOUSLY brilliant Norsk Black Metal.

Edit: Heh I'm indeed an Opeth fan. If a song is not an Opeth song, it gets hard to listen because you always expect for riff changes and clean-brutal transitions. That's the case for me at least :)

It blows me away how every Opeth fan thinks they have a valid opinion on metal, or even music as a whole just because they listen to Opeth. The sheer arrogance is stifling to say the least. Far out.
This is sounding good to me right now. It's interesting black metal with some weird feelings I don't know how to describe, except that even in the first track which is only a few minutes long, they managed to pack a lot of cool sections in. And the vocals are sort of weird. An echo-y yell of sorts. Maybe it sounds a little "depressive" at times, but it also seems to be able to rock out. Good stuff.

I was gonna check this out the other day, but i completely forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me.
^ checking it now actually, its not bad.

Has anyone got the new Klabautamann record Merkur yet? Being a huge fan of this band, I can't wait for my copy to arrive, and the preview on their myspace sounds fucking incredible :kickass:
Archgoat, Blashpemy, Himsa.

EDIT: No one say anything. I just wanna see how it goes.

You fucking idiot, I know the first two bands pretty well. The third, I already know as a shitty metalcore band. Want to try and give me something that actually sounds like what I was looking for(Inquisition) and not fucking around?