Black Metal.

Die Toten Kehren Wieder mit dem Wind is excellent, everyone should get all his albums in some form (they're stupidly limited to a download is likely recommended in most cases, though I think I've seen one or two for sale in Euro distros before). Sounds like a catchier Burzum with similarly great ambient parts and some bouncier sections (major key riffs too, at times) plus great songwriting in general. Highly recommended to everyone. Myspace here
Drudkh re-releases on SOM!
Season of Mist proudly announce that DRUDKH have entrusted them with re-releasing all of their glorious previous albums! In the planning is a careful and true to the original re-mastering, new artwork and a collector's box! More details to be revealed later!

what the fuck? this is def. a cash grab and fucking pointless.
You realize that Supernal Music ripped them off and left them with a debt of studio fees, right? That's why they went to Season of Mist.
Listening to Mord-'Christendom Perished' right now. It's really not bad. It's gone a pretty clean production that does them justice. They are Norwegian, but they sound a bit Finnish. I can hear quite a bit of Horna and Behexen in there. Overall a very solid album tough. Very angry, but has it's good melodic moments.
Listening to Mord-'Christendom Perished' right now. It's really not bad. It's gone a pretty clean production that does them justice. They are Norwegian, but they sound a bit Finnish. I can hear quite a bit of Horna and Behexen in there. Overall a very solid album tough. Very angry, but has it's good melodic moments.

Necrosodomic Abyss is a good album. Very similar production/style to 1349's Hellfire.
Should be good. Marblebog was really fun tonight. Will provide a detailed report tomorrow.

Those Drudkh re-releases do seem rather pointless, considering that all the other albums are readily available, afaik. If they're so hard up for cash, play some shows already.

Awesome, did you take any pictures? And how big was the crowd?
Someone was taping it. I would hope there will be a DVD set for the fest, but with the massive financial loss being incurred, I don't know. The crowd was not as big as hoped. I do not feel super confident about my guessing, but it probably just topped 100 by the end. I expect over double that tonight, easily.

Marblebog played the songs from Forestheart that you would expect them to, and there were some new songs. The mix had some issues, with bass being way too loud at times. It wasn't the worst, since the mostly undistorted bass just gave it an Ildjarn-like sound. The new material totally recalled DSEV-era Burzum, which is good, because that hasn't been played to death like later-styled Burzum. The music has a primitive catchiness, as if it were long-form Ildjarn almost. It's about as fun as black metal can get without being gay at all. Vocal performance was strong. Not much in the way of a stage show, but a big chunk of the small-ish crowd was very enthusiastic. The set flew by, and the lack of an encore disappointed many. Tickets were steep for this, but I don't think anyone thought it wasn't worth it after seeing Marblebog.

The acts preceding Marblebog were either power electronics or harsh noise. Much earlier in the evening, Velnias played, but they suffered from the acoustics of the venue (an empty art gallery) and the bass was way way too loud and muddy. It's not good when your clean-tone breaks are 90% of the volume of the heavy parts. Needed more dynamics. Oakeater played drony ambient tinged with black metal that I found pretty satisfying. By not playing their instruments as loud as possible, they drew the audience in close, and used dynamics very effectively at times, building up to an intense conclusion featuring guitar and toms.
You probably would have enjoyed the noise stuff a lot too.

Talked to the Sepulchral Productions guy a bunch. Cool dude. He had an awesome table for this kind of event. Smart enough to print a list of everything he had, because it can get tricky to read the cd spines in a dark room, let alone those with difficult lettering. Autopsy Kitchen had a table as well. I recommend that everyone check out his site and get a thing or two so he can afford to put out more Marblebog soon.
Sounds pretty good then, aside from Velnias not having a proper sound (when they do its great imo). Just a few more hours until day 2 now, w00t.