Black Metal.

Engram is not just good, it's great, and I would suggest that you spend your money on it.

This. Its brilliance becomes more and more obvious with repeated listens and closer observation.

I've always been a poser, I don't care what people think of my image, honestly. It's pissed off a couple of my bandmates when I've shown up to practice and the occasional show looking "less than metal". Lately I haven't really been out to impress anyone, and I'm growing incredibly tired of elitism in metal. It's counterproductive, in my opinion.

I really think that what was said was badly misconstrued and certainly wasn't intended to make friends or be PC, but whatever, there's no use in dragging this out more. The band has a history of making polarizing comments. I certainly would contest that elitism is counterproductive though.
on the topic of Darkthrone, anybody know why Fenriz plays all the instruments on Panzerfaust and Transilvanian Hunger? I mean I know Zephyrous left after Under a Funeral Moon...I don't just confuses me a bit
You're a fan, Tara?

@Einherjar: The transition from "Reverie" to "Night Journey" is pure brilliance.

Yes! I love the segue tracks on that album ("Reverie" and "Ode to a Dying Star"). They are gorgeous, and so atmospheric. Sear Bliss has such a unique sound; the horn sections work so well with the black metal musicality, but their less extreme, melodic interludes are amazing. They complement each other very well.
I know I'm late on the whole Averse Sefira discussion ...but I remember seeing them live last year and they were really boring, most people were talking amongst themselves not paying attention. At the end of their set their frontman shouted "fuck you posers". Then the guys from Sadistic Intent came on and tore up the place.

anyways go on, as you were
Has anyone heard the rerecorded/reissue of Errances Oniriques? I'm almost afraid to listen to it because I don't see how it could possibly top the original.