Black Metal.

It's supposed to be a continuation of the "Ledney going fucking nuts" sound on previous Havohej EPs before the long break. I'll check it out soon but I'm not expecting that much. Much more looking forward to new Profanatica.
i liked the samples. lol "ledney going fucking nuts" sounds about right for the description. can't wait for the new profanatica album, it's going to be fuckin great.
OK the new Havohej is way weirder than even I could assume. It has no guitars, just what sounds like ridiculously downtuned and distorted bass and disturbing ambient sounds w/ loooots of sub-bass frequencies and things of that nature. Every track has a slight resemblance to "metal" but only in the most deranged and unorthodox fashion; and it DOES sound like Ledney just being totally insane.
To me it almost sounds like he's testing how far people will go to claim they enjoy his work, because it does sound like it's trying actively to be as no-effort and stupid as possible...then again, he's kind of always done that, so it's hard to tell if he's just dicking around in his usual fashion or dicking around as, well, a dick.
I have it on again right now and it still escapes me as to whether I actually ENJOY it and find merit in it, or whether I am just intrigued and confused by the ridiculousness.
um.. i kind of enjoy the "black hole" sound the songs have. It's really deranged and insane but it's not garbage by any means. As long as you aren't listening to it like you would another metal album, There really isnt much metal to it.. but then again it does have all the elements, they just don't flow together like normal songs do. I like it.
Where do I start with Sigh?

It seems like no one saw this, and I unfortunately am not that educated on this band. I have, however, heard their most recent (Hangman's Hymn) and it was very good. Really interesting stuff.

EDIT: also, I've been reading about Krallice and I'm really interested in checking them out. How would anyone who's heard them describe their sound?
I would call Hail Horror Hail the best of their earlier works. IIRC Imaginary Sonicscape has elements of black n' roll if you're into that. I haven't listened to Sigh in a few years. Need to get back into them.

Krallice plays really interesting chords, everything's kinda dissonant and counterpointed, and rarely do the compositions imitate Barr's and Martson's other bands. Thick sounding. Textured. Moving.