Black Metal.

First song off of s/t is my favourite on the album, however I think Peisithanatos is a stronger album overall.
I'd agree with that...I liked Peisithanatos immediately upon hearing that first riff in the opener. So catchy yet cold and evil.
Currently lost in the swirling soundscapes of Fen's The Malediction Fields.

What do others think of this rapidly forming new wave of mystically/naturally influenced, ambient/atmospheric black metal (Altar of Plagues, Wolves in the Throne Room, Black Lotus, Fen, Woods of Ypres, Krallice, etc.)?
I wouldn't exactly classify it all as 'hipster metal,' but it may just be because I HATE that label. Call it what you want though, it's still some of the best metal music around nowadays. Concerning Woods of Ypres, they haven't released anything decent since Against the Seasons. The parts I heard off of their latest album were awful, and that's coming from someone who really enjoyed their EP.
Also, most of these bands seem to have a little bit of a post-rock influence, so I find it's either you love it or hate it, as many of the 'true' people won't have post-rock anywhere near the stuff they listen too, which is somewhat of a shame.
I think most of these bands suck and generally fail at what they're attempting to do, unfortunately, but I haven't listened to them extensively.
I wouldn't exactly classify it all as 'hipster metal,' but it may just be because I HATE that label. Call it what you want though, it's still some of the best metal music around nowadays. Concerning Woods of Ypres, they haven't released anything decent since Against the Seasons. The parts I heard off of their latest album were awful, and that's coming from someone who really enjoyed their EP.

I thought Pursuit of the Sun & Allure of the Earth was pretty good.

And I agree with you about the "post-rock" influence (although I still struggle to really define that genre); there is a certain aspect of it in lots of the bands I mentioned.

I specifically neglected to mention Agalloch because I don't think there is enough of a black metal influence in their sound; but then again, I also am not terribly well-acquainted with all their material.
That will be interesting.

A friend of mine (Tennyson, on these boards) has been trying to get me into Agalloch for a long time. I really like most of what I've heard, it's just one of those occasions where I haven't given them enough time. He's burning me some albums though, so I'll be sure to look into them more closely.
You would assuredly like Agalloch. But I agree that they're not black metal. They refer to themselves as "dark metal" as a more blanket term, and I think that's as well as they can be defined in two words.