Black Metal.

Currently lost in the swirling soundscapes of Fen's The Malediction Fields.

What do others think of this rapidly forming new wave of mystically/naturally influenced, ambient/atmospheric black metal (Altar of Plagues, Wolves in the Throne Room, Black Lotus, Fen, Woods of Ypres, Krallice, etc.)?

Honestly? Incredibly hit or miss. To be fair I've only heard a few bands in this group but their songs, to me, are either breathtakingly amazing or completely un-interesting.

Exiles Journey (Fen), & I Will Lay Down My Bones... (WITTR) are absolutely amazing, but most of the other songs on the corresponding albums don't really do anything for me.
So, i received the Mortuary Drape - Secret Sudaria special edition yesterday, and wow.. the sound on it is fucking fantastic. The Cd version seriously sounds like shit compared to this vinyl re-release. The guitar is much more crushing, i'm not sure how they made it sound so different, i don't think it's remastered or anything. Amazing packaging too.

Honestly? Incredibly hit or miss. To be fair I've only heard a few bands in this group but their songs, to me, are either breathtakingly amazing or completely un-interesting.

Exiles Journey (Fen), & I Will Lay Down My Bones... (WITTR) are absolutely amazing, but most of the other songs on the corresponding albums don't really do anything for me.

I'm actually not that fond of WIITR, but I've been told I need to listen to them more. However, Altar of Plagues, Black Lotus, and now Fen, I've become infatuated with. I really love the use of cleans in some of these bands too; I think they complement the music very well. Black Lotus has great cleans.
The guitar is much more crushing, i'm not sure how they made it sound so different, i don't think it's remastered or anything.

It's because this is the original mix. The CD version had another mixing and mastering for whatever reason. I've never heard
I love black metal. Right now, im leaning more towards the Viking/folk subgenre. To anyone that doesnt know them already, I would suggest Asmegin. Lazare from Carpathian Forest does clean vocals on their first album, and it is incredible. Its a very different sound, a bit more melodic. But of course: Emperor, Bathory, Carpathian Forest, Carpathian Full Moon, tons of bands. Looking at everyones lists, im very glad i joined this forum. haha
A few years back, I used to listen to Gorgoroth, Carpathian Forest, Behemoth, Satyricon, Dark Funeral, Abigail Williams and Dimmu Borgir. I was really into that kind of thing, but not so much now. I kind of drifted apart from all of that and now I don't like it as much as I used to.
I love black metal. Right now, im leaning more towards the Viking/folk subgenre. To anyone that doesnt know them already, I would suggest Asmegin. Lazare from Carpathian Forest does clean vocals on their first album, and it is incredible.

I've never checked them out, but I've heard pretty good things. And I love In Lingua Mortua (the project of Asmegin's guitarists), so I'll have to check out Asmegin soon.
Good call BTW! i love them too, and i havent even gotten through all the tracks posted on their page. i wonder, have you ever heard Lazare's other project, Solefald? you might enjoy them.