Black Metal.

I've come to the conclusion that Det Som En Gang Var is the best black metal song ever written. Who's with me?

It's great but I would say Bathory's 'Enter the Eternal Fire' is more worthy of that position.

On the subject of Burzum, does anyone find the song 'Hvis Lyset Tar Oss' to be extremely underrated?
yeah it's one of the greatest songs ever, i've been saying this for years. never quite got into the third track in the same way, although it's still great.
i just love how in black metal they incorporate the orchestral stuff with the band and without all the epic symphonic sounds, the music would sound really fucking crap.
dimmu borgir fucking rocks when it comes to that. i esp love the orchestral break down in mourning palace. who's with me?

I agree. Though there are exceptions.

Lately Symphonic BM has been sounding rather pretentious to me. And formulaic.

Pretentious? Just fucking stupid. Mixing metal with metal fucking sucks; I RARELY happen to HEAR ANYTHING worth it's salt.
Best black metal song ever is "Katharian Life Code" !

In my opinion "Det Som Engang Var" is too ambiental to be the best.
Also, has anyone read the new Peste Noire interview? I came across it out of nowhere, and it's funny as fuck. He bashes everyone. He seems like a decent guy, albit strange and kind of an asshole.
Actually, I did not even know of Sjel Av Natten, but I'll check it out. Race of Cain also fucking sucks.