Black Metal.

"This is the kapitalist release for American fuckers... those who weren't able
to get it in '95. This is the reason why I wanted no artwork. This is the last
pressing and your ultimate chance to get it...but anyway, I think so few of you
really deserve it as you're unable to reach my world of Night and Sorrow.
We'll meet in Hell anyway... Destroy your life for Satan."
Meyhna'ch 22/03/01
No. The louder it gets, the more it sounds like fuzz, not music.

I always thought heavier metal sounds alot better louder. Your the first person to say "its more fuzzy and shitty". If I recall the louder it is the more intense, and brutal (Well obviously I don't need to get further into detail). Also the atmosphere is more powerful which is a good advantage for black metal and anything that focuses on the heavier grinding of the riffs.

Edit: However I guess there is a fuzz point for sound, so your partially right. But I think the fuzz would represent the exceeding quality of the speakers.
"This is the kapitalist release for American fuckers... those who weren't able
to get it in '95. This is the reason why I wanted no artwork. This is the last
pressing and your ultimate chance to get it...but anyway, I think so few of you
really deserve it as you're unable to reach my world of Night and Sorrow.
We'll meet in Hell anyway... Destroy your life for Satan."
Meyhna'ch 22/03/01

He's a real charmer, that one.
You don't need to be a fucking rocket scientist to understand high quality sound systems and how high you can blast the music at good quality. Thats what I'm talking about. It will sound good or better if its louder and your blasting it on a good sound system or something like that. Do I really need to get into more detail like seriously I thought I didn't need to further explain it. And if you start hearing fuzz come out of the music that means the sound system you are using is exceeding its limits.

Edit: I think if the volume is louder and the quality of sound isn't fuzzed, any kind of music in general will sound more clear and perhaps better. You can also tune the quality to a certain way. So all in all it should sound better louder if you know what your doing.
You don't need to be a fucking rocket scientist to understand high quality sound systems and how high you can blast the music at good quality. Thats what I'm talking about. It will sound good or better if its louder and your blasting it on a good sound system or something like that. Do I really need to get into more detail like seriously I thought I didn't need to further explain it. And if you start hearing fuzz come out of the music that means the sound system you are using is exceeding its limits.

Edit: I think if the volume is louder and the quality of sound isn't fuzzed, any kind of music in general will sound more clear and perhaps better. You can also tune the quality to a certain way. So all in all it should sound better louder if you know what your doing.

Black Metal is not like dubstep where the louder the bass, the more intense the bass becomes. It's black metal recored on fucking four tracks. Not high-end stuff, buddy. The louder the music, the volume goes up and won't really revel anything else expect be, well, louder.

What are you doing in your avatar you fucking 10 year-old?
Black Metal is not like dubstep where the louder the bass, the more intense the bass becomes. It's black metal recored on fucking four tracks. Not high-end stuff, buddy. The louder the music, the volume goes up and won't really revel anything else expect be, well, louder.

What are you doing in your avatar you fucking 10 year-old?

So wait it doesn't make a difference if the volume is at its lowest, the middle, or the highest without exceeding quality? So I can put the volume on 0 and I will expect the same quality as putting the volume on 12 or lets say 18 or etc. Or maybe I can put the volume on 6 and expect the same quality on 13? Your a fucking idiot. What I'm saying is none the less its possible to increase the quality with volume. Or in your case to an "extent".
lol new peste noire interview.

He basically goes on a long diatribe about Neige being a huge faggot, and said he had no idea that having him in the band would attract all those hipsters. He also says he has nothing against him while saying all this stuff lol..

hilarious interview. on another note La Sanie des siècles was fianlly released on vinyl and it looks great..
So wait it doesn't make a difference if the volume is at its lowest, the middle, or the highest without exceeding quality? So I can put the volume on 0 and I will expect the same quality as putting the volume on 12 or lets say 18 or etc. Or maybe I can put the volume on 6 and expect the same quality on 13? Your a fucking idiot. What I'm saying is none the less its possible to increase the quality with volume. Or in your case to an "extent".

The quality is the same. It will not revel better qualities of black metal if you play it at 10000000000. Your argument would sound a lot better if you were talking about dubstep, drone, or any other genres focused on volume.

lol new peste noire interview.

He basically goes on a long diatribe about Neige being a huge faggot, and said he had no idea that having him in the band would attract all those hipsters. He also says he has nothing against him while saying all this stuff lol..

hilarious interview. on another note La Sanie des siècles was fianlly released on vinyl and it looks great..

I brought up the interview a few posts ago and it is, indeed, fucking funny. I want to get the vinyl, but am waiting for a store in my area to pick it up. So sick.
The quality is the same. It will not revel better qualities of black metal if you play it at 10000000000. Your argument would sound a lot better if you were talking about dubstep, drone, or any other genres focused on volume.

I understand what you mean but for the best quality of it, there has to be a certain level of output the music is played at to resemble "Ok this is the best its going to get". But yea you do make sense cause Black Metal does have a diverse sound and the way its tuned is also different. The grinding on the riffs in its tremelo style and the shrieking vocals including a very soft sound of the bass also represent the signature of the genre. If I do remember even if I blasted my boombox or put on my headphones, the quality wasn't different when I had the volume up a certain level. Alright I think I won't argue any further.

Edit: Btw thanks for hte advice about my avatar. A failure of being kvlt maybe. I'll change it soon.
Pf, speak for yourself. WTF is a tremolo pack. Is it like a backpack? What sound does a backpack make? Is it more true than the sound of a suitcase? How can I get the truest sound out of my backpack? And where can I get a tremolo pack?