Black Metal.

I really hope the new Krallice and TROB are good, because I've yet to be wowed by anything from this calendar year. Then again, the stuff I've spun the most of this year is from '08. Without a Koude Haat-esque budget, it takes time to figure out what's worthwhile.
They wrote memorable riffs with a lot of replay value.

Ah, yes. News on Secrets of The Moon. Other than Privilegivm being one of the best BM releases of the year, they have recruited the bassist of Vorkreist (talk about an upgrade). She seems to be displaying a greater degree of femininity in SoM than she was in Vorkreist. Also, they scrapped the corpse paint. Woot.
Ok so after hearing some ppl on here and elsewhere tell me again how great Mayhem's first album is I spent the cash and bought me another copy...

this is my fourth time of owning thie so called masterpiece and I just still don't get why it's considered to be so amazing?\

I give them credit for the scene they inspired and what has come of it but this album is just so repetitive and the vox just make me laugh... seriously... they sound like a really really really bad d-grade vampire flick... and even then some...

I guess I'll just have to give up, but I've owned every album byt hti sband at some time in my life and not one of them has made me think they are deserving of anything at all except for putting abit of fuel on the black metal fire...

maybe they're good live or something... but I officially give up on them...