Black Metal.

Some more great German BM: Die Toten Kehren Wieder mit dem Wind (all albums are great, actually), Grabnebelfürsten and Orlog's new one is sick too (thanks anti).
Luror, Hellfucked, Wolfsmond, Absurd, Eternity, Nagelfar, Kermania, Graupel, Orlog, Lunar Aurora, Moonblood, Nyktalgia, Drautran, Inarborat, Imperium Dekadenz, Blutklinge, Lantlôs, Brocken Moon...

I already have (and very much enjoy!):
Lunar Aurora
Imperium Dekadenz

Any preferences about the rest? Which are the best? I must say that I try to stay away from the NSBM if possible...

another German black metal band I would definitely recommend you to check out is Heimdalls Wacht.

Well, it's Memoria Vetusta II. Should be to your liking.

Any preferences about the rest? Which are the best? I must say that I try to stay away from the NSBM if possible...
Far as I know, Absurd is the only one of all those that is actually NSBM. And they're more of a harmless Pagan metal kind of thing these days anyway, though some things like the sound of goosestepping on "Ulfhednir - Todesschwadron" (a fucking awesome song) will pop up.

Luror, Hellfucked, and Wolfsmond are all Absurd-related -- Unhold plays drums in them all and Luror is his own project. All of it is great, especially Luror's The Iron Hand of Blackest Terror and Cease to Live. I'm pretty sure you can rest assured being these aren't NS bands or anything. Lyrically they're about the usual: Satan, demons, misanthropy, etc.

After those albums, Hellfucked - Gods of Negativity and Wolfsmond - Des Düsterwaldes Reigen are great. That Hellfucked album in particular sounds a lot like a more irreverent Luror.

"Sinn Koronation" on the new Katharsis features a guitar solo by a guy from Orlog, which is more of a super heavy, melodic black metal band. Not actually the sort of thing I usually go for, but Elysion is awesome.

Damn -- V5, didn't you tell me to listen to Die Toten Kehren Wieder mit dem Wind a while back? I totally forgot. Gonna get on that now.
Absurd is hardly NS anymore but I really enjoy how they sound. I just checked out Wolfsmond and they sound great as well, I'll check out the other things that Unhold has done sometime too.
Nope... I guess they are worth a spin since you mention them :)

Closest comparison to Odal on is Heimdalls Wacht, so I'll definitely check out this band.

Sterbend is Burzum worship, hands down, but it's an enjoyable listen. Also, Trist is Aran from Lunar Aurora side/main/whatever project now, different but check it out as well.
Has anyone ordered the latest TRoB from somewhere in the U.S.? I looked a few weeks back and couldn't find any distros with it.
Pretty much listen to mostly Ukrainian black metal:

-Hate Forest
-Blood of Kingu
-Nokturnal Mortum
-Holy Blood

I also like Ludicra, Sigh (though they've moved on from BM), Magane, Mercyful Fate, Carpathian Forest, etc.

If anyone knows any other Ukrainian BM bands that are good, I'd love to give them a listen.
Kroda, Lucifugum, Dub Buk, Lutomysl, and Gromm are good.

They're Russian, but I'd also recommend Walknut considering what you like.
Fuck YES you did! It's surprisingly intense and mature.

I noticed fleshmountain's post in 'albums kicking your ass' with Christ Agony...are they worth a damn in reality?

Actually, i was the one who posted the Christ Agony albums, and yes the first three are essential.
Oops, I don't know how I made that mistake...

I'll check them out then. I've never heard of them, but the covers themselves looks pretty cool, and you seem to enjoy them enough to warrant at least a little of my time.
I do like Wedard and Wigrid well enough. I always forget about Wigrid...

And I don't know why I've never listened to Anti, actually.