Black Metal.

Well, it's not something I go crazy over, but it's good.
I noticed somewhere else you mentioned that you didn't like DSBM and Wedard falls pretty squarely into that style. At the same time it's also one of the better and more innovative projects within that scene.

The title track on Wigrid's Hoffnungstod is fantastic...never liked the rest of the album that much though. Nor the second one.
Der Weg in ein anderes Dasein is also good imo but I know what you mean. The rest of the album is mostly a Det Som Engang Var clone, but I am very partial to Burzum clones.
I've made blanket statements about hating DSBM and what it represents, but I suppose my outlook has changed somewhat. It really depends on the band. Some do it very well. Gris, for example. I think early Bethlehem is great and Silencer's Death - Pierce Me is amazing even if I think Nattramn sounds like a pig being raped, and find his whole 'crazy' schtick to be totally absurd -- even if his lyrics and delivery on that album are 100% serious and genuine, I can't quite take it seriously. There are still some bands that I find totally disgusting, or simply painful to listen to -- like Pensées Nocturne.

So yeah, it really depends.
Silencer has always stood out to me as gimmicky cock rock; I can't stand it. I stopped caring about Dictius Te Necare after about two listens, but I'd be lying if I said that it has nothing to do with what I see as a fall from grace for the band after recording a great album like Dark Metal.

The basic tenets of DSBM seem to be antithetical to what I look for in black metal, so I tend to avoid most of it if I can. That also explains why I come off like an ignorant retard whenever I attempt to discuss it.
listening to the Cremation-Black Death Cult cd,excellent proto black/death,quite different to the sounds of Conqueror/Revenge,J.Reads. drumming is unhinged still,excellent stuff and the beginnings of both bands can be heard within.
So I check out Druzhina as was suggested by Skiesatourfeet and it was quite good, the acoustic passages are really something. But I don't get why they fade out riffs and start new ones within the same song, it makes it sound like I'm listening to an album teaser or something. Poor composition.
Somebody tell me about the "Black Twilight Circle" and the bands associated with it (Ashdautas, Volahn, etc.) and why I should care.
Somebody tell me about the "Black Twilight Circle" and the bands associated with it (Ashdautas, Volahn, etc.) and why I should care.

You probably should. I was able to catch the tour this summer and was very impressed by both bands. All of the groups in this so called "circle" have a fairly similar sound: that being a hypnotic style of black metal with evocative melodies hidden under a layer of filthy production values.

The Volahn LP is the real deal. Pick it up! Not too sure on Ashdautas, but they were great live. Some of the other bands can be a bit samey but the Arizmenda release that is coming up is one that I'm very much looking forward to. Don't let the black circle nonsense fool you.
I probably won't waste my time without sound samples. Bone Awl is seemingly associated with them, say they run Klaxon Records and release these bands' music, and what I've heard from them didn't leave me very inspired. I can't find any samples though.