Black Metal.

Well the only thing I've heard from Bone Awl is Night's Middle (and once at that), so maybe I would be open to checking out something else they've done. Would you mind giving a more detailed description of how they sound? And if anybody knows of any samples of Volahn or Ashdautas, I'd appreciate it.

The best way I would describe Bone Awl would be a more punkish version of Ildjarn. They aren't very similar in atmospheres and styles, but moreso in their structure of their music. I would think most fans of Ildjarn would like Bone Awl.

As for Volahn, I've heard their album Dimensiónes del Trance Kósmico but don't remember it much. I should listen to it again here shortly.
I think I have to reconsider what I said before about my disappointment with the new Deströyer 666 album. Defiant is clicking with me now. I can pretty safely say that I still prefer Cold Steel... and Terror Abraxas over anything else they've put out, but whether looking at this as a 'comeback' album or just another after an extended gap, it's pretty much up to their standard. I guess I wanted a bit more from it, but given some time it certainly has its moments. It is by no means a bad album.

Supposedly the vinyl version is going to be remastered or remixed, so I think I'll reserve my final judgement until then, but for the moment it remains a very average album to my ears.
relistening to Volahn's Dimensiones del Trance Kosmico, and it's a pretty solid effort. It's not groundbreaking or anything, but it is pretty damn good american spanish black metal
Been listening to some stuff I hear a lot about but never got around to hearing the last few days.

Katharsis- Kruzifixxion, I liked this one a lot. I see these guys mentioned but never heard anything they put out. If the rest of their stuff is to the standard of this release i will have to check them out.

Arckanum-Antiosmos, Only on the second track as of right now, but I am enjoying it. Yet again, another album I saw talked about a lot during it's release but never checked out.

Edit: The Arckanum was rad. Recommend any other of his releases?
check out his newest release, which is better than Antikosmos imo. There's also his earlier works like Fran Marder that are definitely worth checking out
Cool thanks.

I am sure you all know this, but I have only recently become aware that Far Away From the Sun by Sacramentum is a sweet album.

<---- Is a noob.
Evidently Forever Plagued Records just reissued Graveland's first demo, Necromanteion. That's the same label that reissued the Drunemeton demo.
I'll put this here, since I think it would be mostly overlooked in the youtube thread. A fan-made video for a song by Silencer using footage from the incredible film Begotten. Rather fitting.

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