Black Metal.

Skagos is a disorganized, haphazard mess. A few good ideas, but thrown together carelessly.

Antitype, does anybody you know that doesn't suck like Funeral Mist? I know a lot of people with shitty taste in music like Funeral Mist, but I can't think of anyone off the top of my head who doesn't suck that likes them.
I don't think ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ is that brilliant really, some of the repetitive stuff doesn't quite have what it takes to be repeated so much, so it tends to get stale now and then.
I enjoy Funeral Mist's Devilry EP and their first full-length, Salvation but found Maranatha kind of trite and fake, I mean there was no real conviction or ideas behind the music, just posturing. After the letdown of the new album, I found Salvation to lack the violent, soul-assaulting impact I remember feeling when listening to it six years ago. I still consider the pre-Maranatha work to be solid but ultimately inconsequential early 2000's black metal, but after digesting six years+ of classic black metal albums as well as keeping up (as best I can) with the newest releases and stylistic developments within the subgenre, my preferences have changed in many regards over time and my ear has become more sophisticated i.e. I have developed a more authentic appreciation and interperetation of black metal music than I had about eight years ago, when I first began listening to 'underground' metal. Unfortunately, I chose my screen name from a song title off of Salvation which does not reflect my current taste well, (plus I find it pretty cheesy as far as song titles go; what the hell was I thinking?) although it worked for me back when I first signed up here. I just keep forgetting that I need to change my screen name. If you managed to get through this wall of text without putting a gun in your mouth or me on your 'ignore' list and you know the process for getting your screen name changed on this board, please PM me with the info and I will be your anal slave for life <3 <3 <3

i can't believe i just typed all that crap and neither can you.
Yeah you don't love black metal, shut up.

Anyway I checked out Skagos and Todtgelichter and they were both really good. Thanks Skies and Goffdahl.

Yeah, I have playing Todtgelichter quite a few times the last days and I'm enjoying it more and more. It's quite varied stuff. I haven't made up my mind about the inclusion of clean female vocs though...

I will definitely check out Skagos as well. If the comparison to Weakling is true, then it's right up my alley. Are the track lengths +10 mins as well?
I fuckin love Black Metal. I like the more melodic progressive stuff though to be honest. Good BM bands: Dimmu Borgir, Emperor, SOME Cradle, Immortal, Dragonlord, Naetu.

If I may recommend some less noobish bands... (Emperor and Immortal are great though) All of them are on the more melodic and proggy black metal side.

Limbonic Art
Negura Bunget
Night Conquers Day
Dodens: Yes, I know some people whose taste I mostly respect that like Funeral Mist, but you're right: most of the people who like them simply have bad taste. I guess the thing is, I occasionally don't mind indulging in bad taste. I recently revisited Cradle of Filth's Dusk... and Her Embrace in a fit of nostalgia, recalling how unique that band sounded to me back in 1996, before they gave in to pantomime and $$$. I really like Lifelover's first album, Pulver -- it has a genuinely off-kilter, chintzy, decadent feel. I was really enjoying Witchtanic Hellucinations by Acid Witch last year. I think of this as flirting with bad taste, I guess, and I have no problem with that. Truly bad taste is another thing, I think.

Anyway, my point is that perhaps Funeral Mist can be enjoyed on some level, but after giving it one last solid chance last night I still don't think it's a great album. Barely even a good one, but possibly one of those 'guilty pleasure' albums, if you believe in guilty pleasures. Flirting with bad taste and enjoying it.

I will definitely check out Skagos as well. If the comparison to Weakling is true, then it's right up my alley. Are the track lengths +10 mins as well?
Skagos isn't bad, but nowhere near Weakling. Neither is Krallice for that matter, though I've heard they're better live than on record... I just really don't like their record at all.
I actually like Krallice quite much. As well as WitTR, Fen and other similar bands.

But I enjoy Weakling much much more. There is more lasting value in the music imo, since the previously mentioned bands become a little too much easy-listening.

I the vein of Weakling I particularly enjoy "A forest of Stars". Any other recs in this direction?