Black Metal.

I fuckin love Black Metal. I like the more melodic progressive....


I like Funeral Mist.
I don't see how Maranatha was horrible.
Devilry was meh compared to Salvation.

EDIT- Just gave "Born In The Serpent of the Abyss" a listen, first time hearing behexen. I don't know why I didn't look into them sooner.
New Beherit is rad.

Also, I always thought Behexen was rather average as well. I have not heard anything by them recently but I heard an album or two in the past and really had not desire to listen to them again. I do hear the newest one is pretty good, but have not heard it.
Rituale Satanum is great, you guys are crazy.

Behexen's tracks on the Satanic Warmaster split were far better than the underwhelming "My Soul for His Glory" though. Born in the Serpent of the Abyss cannot save that album.
managed to score a copy of the re-issued Darkness-As The last Star Falls From Heaven cd,only 66 copies from Dead Wood recordings,very chaotic,yet hypnotic War Metal from 03,best five bucks i've spent in a while.Highest recommendations.
Just watched "Black Metal - The Norwegian Legacy" and was much better than the other lame documentary I saw on youtube... I forget the name. I'd suggest it to anyone interested in the genre. It's rather informative.

Also, GLOOMY GRIM! lol.