Black Metal.

Heh, true. I'm more just talking about what I think in my head when I see the title. I'll admit that when I first saw it, it made me think of someone sticking his tongue out and going 'pbpbpblpblpblbpht'. :p
So I think I am going to pick up Antikosmos and ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ. I am thinking I will get the Antikosmos vinyl because I do not think that A5 case will fit on my shelf and I don't want it just hanging around somewhere by itself. the vinyl on the other hand will fit nicely with the rest of my vinyl collection.

Ok, is anyone aware of digibook re-issues of the first three Arckanum albums? I see nothing about it on the Arckanum page or Metal Archives but there is a place selling them now. They look rather nice to be bootlegs, but ya never know.
When the hell does Arckanum ever come up in realistic discussion in daily life that you need to say it? hahah
I was talking to a drunk individual at the Type O show whom had some black metal patches, told him to check out the new album. I reckon that'd be the only time it'd ever come up in terms of actually saying the album name out loud.

Just pre-ordered Njiqahdda - Yrg Alms, should be quite an interesting album.
So I think I am going to pick up Antikosmos and ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ. I am thinking I will get the Antikosmos vinyl because I do not think that A5 case will fit on my shelf and I don't want it just hanging around somewhere by itself. the vinyl on the other hand will fit nicely with the rest of my vinyl collection.

Ok, is anyone aware of digibook re-issues of the first three Arckanum albums? I see nothing about it on the Arckanum page or Metal Archives but there is a place selling them now. They look rather nice to be bootlegs, but ya never know.

These are not bootlegs. The FMP editions are considered bootlegs, FMP dude ripped him off and also fucked up the releases.
These are not bootlegs.

Or at least they're not until Shamaatae finds something he doesn't like about them. I will agree though that the FMP copies are really poor. I mean, he (FMP) couldn't even ask for a better master CD without the pauses in between tracks? That's just lazy.
Every time I try to listen to Funeral Mist's Salvation I fail to take it seriously because it starts with that 'ambient' intro, which contains this clip of a guy screaming, played over and over, that I recall quite vividly from some cheesy Halloween sound effects cassette tape I had when I was like ten years old. So we go from SPOOOOOKY Halloween sound effects to RAAGHHH BLASTURBATION MANIA! EVIL PROCESSED VOCALS! But here I am trying again...

So many people I know hold this band (or at least this album) in pretty high regard, but I've just never understood it. What do you guys think?
I fuckin love Black Metal. I like the more melodic progressive stuff though to be honest. Good BM bands: Dimmu Borgir, Emperor, SOME Cradle, Immortal, Dragonlord, Naetu.