Black Metal.

Any news or tracks by Dordeduh? (the project of the two guys from Negura Bunget)

As far as i know they're doing some live shows. Thought i read somewhere they'd be recording in the not so distant future. Should be excellent, highly anticipated for me.
Really been loving Sombres Forêts' Royaume de Glace lately. Much more than Gris' last album or their Miserere Liminis collaboration, even. Depressive black metal I suppose, but not overly dreary -- some parts, like a riff near the end of the title track, uplift the music to a more aggressive approach.

Also impressed with this free album download released by Dreams of the Drowned, Thanatotropic Principle. It's floating around out there, just take a look.
Just received Arckanum - ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ today, on my second spin. Amazing album, may be my favorite for '09. So different than Antikosmos, the atmosphere is chaotic, just a great album.
Just received Arckanum - ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ today, on my second spin. Amazing album, may be my favorite for '09. So different than Antikosmos, the atmosphere is chaotic, just a great album.
It's a great album. That, Fourth Reich, and Seven Chalices are my three favorites of the year -- undecided between the three, but why bother?
Much more than Gris' last album
That's quite a claim...I'll check it out, but Gris is something else entirely as far as black metal/suicidal shit goes.
Just received Arckanum - ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ today, on my second spin. Amazing album, may be my favorite for '09. So different than Antikosmos, the atmosphere is chaotic, just a great album.
Just received Arckanum - ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ today, on my second spin. Amazing album, may be my favorite for '09. So different than Antikosmos, the atmosphere is chaotic, just a great album.

Really great music. I just have one problem with the album. The tracks are too short to make it a classic for me. I must have these 8+ mins track lengths for an album to become a personal fave. Forth Reich is currently on its way to becoming such a 09 favourite.
Songs have to be 8+ min to be "great" to you? That's a rather bizarrely pigeonholing criterion. There are several effective long songs, and plenty of great single, short, to-the-point "dirty and thrashing" (in Shamaatae's words for his intent with Arckanum) songs on Thurisaz, so I regard it as probably the best BM album of the year, and it's far better than Antikosmos.
unknown, if that is really a Dordeduh track, I like it. More in vein of N' Crugu Bradului. (though I do like Om better)
unknown, if that is really a Dordeduh track, I like it. More in vein of N' Crugu Bradului. (though I do like Om better)

back when news first broke of negura splitting up that myspace link was posted as a song of the new project. I wanna say it was Sol Faur's myspace er something. you'll also notice the only friend on the Tranceatla myspace is Dordeduh
I enjoy Nortt, but I find it hard for music of that time to be "impressive". Like, wow these are some sweet creepy noises, is about as far is it goes. I haven't heard much of his older stuff though and I hear his newer stuff is a lot more ambient than his older stuff, so maybe the older material is more impressive.